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  1. R

    2 Vintage Unmarked Rings With Pearly Settings

    Thank you Marianne. Which one would be the MOP? The flat / elongated one? Thank you pattye...Aphfrodite comes to mind. Wow....elks teeth :rolleyes: ;)
  2. R

    2 Vintage Unmarked Rings With Pearly Settings

    I would appreciate any thoughts on the 2 pearly rings in the attached pics. If anyone recognizes the "woman's silhouette on the other ring, help me out :rolleyes: Thanks in advance for any input / thoughts :cool:
  3. R

    Necklace With Chinese Pearls?

    Thank you both for you time and expertise :cool:
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    Necklace With Chinese Pearls?

    So are you saying that the tiny "beads" are actually dyed pearls? And if so, are the white ones dyed or natural? This is for sale so if anyone has an offer send me a PM ;)
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    Mississippi River Pearl Ring

    Sorry I took so long to reply :( I will be listing this on Ebay tonight.
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    Necklace With Chinese Pearls?

    Can you point out what you mean by "small"? They all look roughly the same size to me. And what "tells" that they are dyed? Here's more closeup :)
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    Mississippi River Pearl Ring

    I believe the metal is silver but this has no mark that I can see. Here's a better pic
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    Necklace With Chinese Pearls?

    Here's the rest of the necklace. No length of about 31 1/2 inches.
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    Necklace With Chinese Pearls?

    Another of my Mom's goodies. Nadine Leo looked at this (email) and said she thought the pearls were Chinese. Any thoughts? And do any of you recognize the beads?
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    Mississippi River Pearl Ring

    Hi all from Wisconsin :) My Mom was digging through her stuff and found a bunch more goodies...including this Mississippi River pearl ring with a large pearl. Nadine Leo has told me the ring is hand-made :cool:
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    Mississippi River Pearls

    Thanks Caitlin. I don't have a "store" but I've added a link to my items for sale.
  12. R

    Mississippi River Pearls

    @'re welcome! Hi pattye...there is basically no info that I have seen on the 'Net....but I did run across this... "Different locations in the shell form the variety of shapes. Those along the lip are round and the largest ones are the rarest. Wing shaped pearls form along the back...
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    Mississippi River Pearls

    Same to you Lisa. I hope these pics will suffice. I had a couple of topics back in July about pearly stuff. I sell on Ebay with the same user name.
  14. R

    Mississippi River Pearls

    Hi all....and Happy Thanksgiving. I found these yesterday in an old wooden box in the basement. Notice the LARGE angels wing :cool: My grandfather and his brothers used to clam Lake Pepin & the Mississippi River back in the 1930's - 1940's.
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    These Pearls - Any Thoughts?

    Larger pic
  16. R

    These Pearls - Any Thoughts?

    You bet I will! :cool: Attached is an enlarged pic of 3 of the loose pearls that I sold to Nadine. She stated that they are unique to Lake Pepin.
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    These Pearls - Any Thoughts?

    Thanks! The 2 Nadine Leo pieces are Mississippi River pearls ;) Here's a pic of the pearls that she got from me. Items marked are especially nice.
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    These Pearls - Any Thoughts?

    Thank you jmd for that information. At least I can now somewhat date the strand. Now I have to determine a value for sale. @ Pearl Dreams...thank you for the tutilage. Thanks also to KarinK, pattye and Caitlin for your time and knowledgeable comments. And you folks are right...the strand in...
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    These Pearls - Any Thoughts?

    I took the previous pic of the clasp area, cropped it, then enlarged it 200%
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    These Pearls - Any Thoughts?

    She had looked at them through a microscope. She said "I believe they are real but I'm not 100% sure. I don't see anything that tells me they are fake, but you should have them checked by a pro ." Rubbing them together doesn't tell anything as I don't know if I'm even capable of feeling what...