Search results

  1. edrodrivaz

    Rare Abalone Pearl

    Perla de abulón rara
  2. edrodrivaz

    Natural Saltwater Pearl of Oyster (Blister)

    Hi All This is a natural pearl (Pinctada mazatlanica)
  3. edrodrivaz

    Abalone Pearls Natural

    Thank you very much for your comments to know the prices of abulon pearls at this time..
  4. edrodrivaz

    Abalone Pearls Natural

    HiAll My question is what price have the Abalone Pearls now in this time ?
  5. edrodrivaz

    I have these natural pearls small and do not know what to do with them.

    Hi, Ladi and Gem Geek and MSC These pearls were fished in the Gulf of California. By a fisherman the years 1970 -1980 and its measures : 1 - 2 - 3 (mm) Thank Edgar R
  6. edrodrivaz

    I have these natural pearls small and do not know what to do with them.

    Hi All Someone could help, What I can do with these pearls Regars Edgar
  7. edrodrivaz

    Natural Spondylus Princeps Pearls

    Hi Showing my small collection of pearls Spondilus
  8. edrodrivaz

    Natural Spondylus Princeps Pearls

    Hi. More Pearls Spondylus.
  9. edrodrivaz

    Natural Spondylus Princeps Pearls

    Hi All I found another Pearl of Spondylus
  10. edrodrivaz

    Natural Spondylus Princeps Pearls

    For now I can not give information about this pearl why I am traveling. Here are more photos of this pearl. Thank you.
  11. edrodrivaz

    Natural Spondylus Princeps Pearls

    Hi All I recently found the following Spondylus Princeps Pearls.
  12. edrodrivaz

    Horse Conch Pearl

    Hi Orient This pearl weighs 12.20 gr - 61 ct If this pearl is extracted of this shell For now I have no plans for this pearl
  13. edrodrivaz

    Horse Conch Pearl

    Hi all. This is a Pearl of Horse Conch
  14. edrodrivaz

    Pearl Natural Rare of Pinna

    More pearls of pinna
  15. edrodrivaz

    Pearl Natural Rare of Pinna

    Hi All If very beautiful pearls for jewelry. I found more pearls Callo de Acha.
  16. edrodrivaz

    Pearl Natural Rare of Pinna

    These pearls were also found in this type of Shell
  17. edrodrivaz

    Show us your menagerie

    My Sea Horse.
  18. edrodrivaz

    Pearl Natural Rare of Pinna

    Yes of course!
  19. edrodrivaz

    Pearl Natural Rare of Pinna

    If in Baja California Mexico and the fishermen extract the product legally with permits of fishing (SEMARNAT)
  20. edrodrivaz

    Pearl Natural Rare of Pinna

    Hi This pearl was found in this type of shell