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  1. B

    Trying to figure out what I have here.

    Thank you! It's nice to know that this is something I should wear. They really are pretty and I have only worn them once, on my wedding day. I'm more afraid of losing the clasp then the pearls. :)
  2. B

    Trying to figure out what I have here.

    Ok, got some pics using macro. Also, the length is 16 inches (considered choker right)? There are 57 pearls on one strand and 55 on the other. They range in size with 3.5mm being the smallest on either strand and 9.5mm being the largest. My mother told me that my great grandmother traveled...
  3. B

    Trying to figure out what I have here.

    I will try and get some clearer pictures as well as some info on size. I had a jeweler look at them years ago so i know I have the sizes somewhere. I don't have any reason to believe they are natural other then my family has said they believe my great grandmother always had "the best". She...
  4. B

    Trying to figure out what I have here.

    I have this double strand of pearls that I inherited about 30 years ago. They belonged to my great-grandmother and I don't know much about them at all. I have been told they are from the 1920's but I don't even know if that is true. The clasp is beautiful and has one large diamond surrounded...