Search results

  1. Nerida

    Everyone should check this...

    I was browsing Alibaba the other day looking for something specific, and found this company: All good, but to my surprise, found a few of my own pictures posted on their site, without any reference to me, and without my permission. I emailed...
  2. Nerida

    A Needle Thread

    OK, I've tried lots of different types of needles - some intentionally, some because I wasn't sure exactly what I'd ordered online at the time... What is your favourite - you know, right flexibility, length, etc??
  3. Nerida

    Alternatives to eBay for selling pearls

    Hi Mervione, I just wrote a long post and lost it because I had been "timed out"! That will teach me to press the "remember" button next time!! I had quite a few items listed on ebay before my website was up and running. Over a period of a month or so, I sold only one strand of pearls to a...
  4. Nerida

    Vintage Akoya Strand

    Hi, I've just finished restringing this lovely old strand of akoyas for a customer. The pearls are 3.8mm to 7.4mm at the centre (they fall off sharply, though - next one out is 6.4mm) and the strand is 18.5 inches long. They were bought in the UK by my customer's grandmother - all we know is...
  5. Nerida

    Multicoloured SS & Tahitian strand

    Hi, When in Hong Kong recently, I thought I was just buying findings. Then I found some great bead nucs from a completely out of the way trader, then I found these.... At the time, I was VERY strong, and left them there. Six weeks later, they are sitting on my desk, waiting impatiently for...
  6. Nerida

    Length of Knots

    Hi knotting gurus, Is there a formula/guesstimate to calculate how much length the knots will add to an unknotted strand? Obviously there are variables - length of strand, no. of pearls, thickness of thread, single or double knots etc, but for an average 17 inch unfinished strand, do the knots...
  7. Nerida

    Official membership application - but is this beading?

    Wow - it is nearly midnight here, but after dinner tonight I started putting this together - didn't expect to get it finished - it is lavender keishis (8mm x 11/12mm) and silver "rectangular coins" with sterling silver chain... measures just over 44 inches - luckily I can double that over my...
  8. Nerida

    What will I do with these?

    Hi, These are two strands that I bought at the jeweller's association fair a couple of weeks ago. They are each 32 inches, the pearls range between 7 and 12mm in width by 10 - 16mm in length (most about 10 x 13 or so). They are not perfect, and I love all the weird shapes, but mostly I love...
  9. Nerida

    Not applying for membership ... yet!

    Hi everyone - just thought I would post some pics of the lovely strand of FW bead nucleated pearls that I bought from Druzy Design as an unstrung strand. I have used 22K vermeil beads and findings (thanks Sheri!) - I loved the pearls before, but now they are just gorgeous!! Still might take it...
  10. Nerida

    To Zhuji or not??

    Hi everyone, I am trying to educate myself as much as possible on the buying of freshwater pearls. I live in Australia, and have been selling pearls for the past six months from purchases made when I last visited Shanghai on other business. I have been approached by a few retailers to supply...