Here are photos of my favourite white strands from my pearl collection. They are a mixture of akoyas, AAA freshwaters, and freshadamas. Can you guess which are which?
My pearl earrings. I might have a slight problem.... They are a mixture of white akoyas, white, peach, and metallic lavender freshwaters, white south seas, blue akoyas, and tahitians.
I really really love this look on Hedy Lamarr. Could anyone kindly tell me which kind of pearls are these- they look like Japanese akoyas to my untrained eye. What size are they and how long do you think the necklace is? How could go one go about emulating this look?
Hi everyone,
I recently stumbled on Andrew Moline's pearls and they are absolutely breathtaking. Unfortunately, they are (understandably) quite pricey. Any idea how his pearls compare?
Can anyone shed any light on the quality of these pearls? They are approximately half a century old. To me, they look misshapen and lacking in luster, although since they were my grandmother's they are beautiful to me.
Thank you!