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  1. M

    Need your expert opinion on these Golden South Sea strand

    Hi, I need your opinion on these pearls. I have my reservations about them and just want to hear what you guys think. I am currently in talk with a friend's cousin who is in the process of setting up a pearl farm in Palawan Philippines. this is the only photo I have that she has sent me. She...
  2. M

    My find from my first show

    I only had my phone to use to take this picture and we struggled to get all the colours ...
  3. M

    Pearl Grading Lab Course?

    I have finished my online course for the graduate pearl diploma. My dilemma is putting the Lab class on hold as I am going to Hongkong on Sept for the Trade show. I live in Sydney and have to travel to Hongkong GIA or to Singapore to do my lab class. I am wondering if going to the trade show...
  4. M

    South Sea Purchase help

    Hi, I would like to introduce myself first. I am currently taking my Pearl Diploma course from GIA. I have been researching a lot about pearls and I would like to thank you guys for all the knowledge that you have shared in this forum. My love of pearls started when my husband bought me a pair...