Search results

  1. SpaceNeedle

    Are these Kasumi pearls?

    Found this strand on eBay... LINK The pearls look pretty but they don't look like any kasumis that I have seen (which are a few BTW).
  2. SpaceNeedle

    Lavender Freshadamas - Which strand would you choose and why?

    I'm very excited after many months of searching. I need opinions from you all.
  3. SpaceNeedle

    Need your expert opinions on this GSS set

    Found this GSS set on ebay and, to me, the pearls just looked too perfect. I would like to ask you experts out there if you think the set is GSS...
  4. SpaceNeedle

    20mm x 13mm BEAUTY!! What is this pearl?

    I found this amazing pearl on eBay. I am not going to tell you the name of the store ..yet ;). Can you guess what this pearl is? The size is *** 20mm X 13mm***.
  5. SpaceNeedle

    KojimaPearl on eBay

    I have been interested in several of Sarah's pieces posted here on this forum and I came across her eBay store ( a few weeks ago. I would be interested to see her Kasumi pearls if she decides to list them.
  6. SpaceNeedle

    Pearl Strand Shorteners

    Has anybody used a pearl shortener? Here's the one I'm interested in I was wondering if this shortener would scratch my pearls. If anybody knows of any other pearl shorteners, please let me know. I have 2 strands of black pearls. One is...
  7. SpaceNeedle

    Hello PG members - Has anybody purchased pieces from this artist? The website is here Thank you.
  8. SpaceNeedle

    Black FWP strands from ThePearlOutlet

    Has anybody purchased a black FW strand from ThePearlOutLet? I have attached a zoom photo and the full link is I just wanted to know how the colors and overtones compared to black FW strands on...
  9. SpaceNeedle

    How long should I expect a Tahitian pearl strand to last?

    Several of recent posts regarding cultured pearls with a bead inside concerns me. So my question to experts out there is ... with the minimum dept of .8mm nacre on Tahitian pearls, how long should I expect a Tahitian pearl strand to stay lustrous and colorful with daily wear?
  10. SpaceNeedle

    Differences in Tahitian pearls purchased from Tahiti and Hong Kong

    Between 2 retailers, one purchases their pearls from Tahiti and the other purchases theirs from Hong Kong. What are the differences, if any, should a buyer expect to see in the pearls from these two retailers? In general, I'm interested in the differences in pearl quality and pricing.
  11. SpaceNeedle

    Deep/Strong peacock overtones?

    Hello experts out there, Would you consider these pearls to have deep/strong peacock overtones? They are about 12mm in size. Thanks...
  12. SpaceNeedle

    Has anyone purchased from TahitianPearls.Biz website?

    I found some interesting pieces that I like. Any comments on their products and services?
  13. SpaceNeedle

    Has anybody purchased from

    Any feedbacks/experiences with their products and services are appreciated. Their website is Thanks...
  14. SpaceNeedle

    My First Tahitian Pearl

    13mm. and looks flawless to me...
  15. SpaceNeedle

    Pearl Oasis vs. "Famous Brand" Pearls

    I just visited the and was wondering if anyone here could tell me what "Famous Brand" the website is referring to.
  16. SpaceNeedle

    Anyone know about Anandia Pearls website?

    The piece that my friend and I were looking at was and the price seemed to be very good for a 12.7mm AAA Tahitian. I had a bad experience with Pearls by Angel Carol and wanted to check with experts here.