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  1. L

    Hand Tie Pearls a Gemologist's awl method on power pro, or beaders secret

    This shows my favorite technique using an Awl. Great for beginners. I would suggest Pearl Dreams thread (above sticky) for a huge amount of right on information about pearl stringing.
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    Video of how to tie pearls with beaders secret, or power with needle awl

    This method is quick & easy. Video targets beginners, and professionals with full beginning and ending details. Power pro kit available on our Etsy site gives sample size power pro with attached needles. etsy site Lloyd Patterson Gemologist
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    Japanese Method, two strand, no tools Pearl tieing method video by Lloyds Jewelry

    We posted this method on you tube using #2 carded silk with attached needle. This is far from an original idea from me. I saw it first as a turtorial on Fire Mountain. My adaptation of the method was to use a table top, and string across in front of me. This works well, and can be used with...
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    Silk 3 ply

    I have just noticed that a 3 ply silk by beadsmith is available. Does anyone have an opinion on it.. Would it be better than the 2 ply griffins? Would it be equal to the gudebond 3 ply that a lot of people liked, but is now not in production?
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    Pink freshwater pearls dyed tinted ornnot

    What I think I know is that most if not all pink freshwater pearls are dyed or tinted. How about Akoya south sea are any of those natural plink? A lot of internet sellers seem to think they are colored naturally to pink by the mollusk. Thanks for any info on this. I want to tell the truth on...
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    stainless steel earring post

    I plan to do some stud earrings using stainless steel cup post findings. Stainless is good for sensitive skin. and tarnish free. Sounds great, but I'd welcome some notes from the forum on whether this is a good idea? Any recommendations of best type of ear nuts (bullet type, tension type...
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    french wire and pearls

    I now mostly use power pro to string pearls for craft markets. Anyone have comments on the advantages of french wire vs direct stringing, and or vs my previous favorite - wire guardians? Any experience or thoughts on this greatly appreciated. Lloyd Gemologia GIA certifed
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    Sterling rabitt ear bails

    I need some bold size rabbit ear stud bails for 10 to 12 mm pearls for pendants. Anyone have a good source. I've looked at Artbeads, and several others from search engines with no luck. Any help appreciated. Lloyd
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    Pearl strings Ends

    I see a lot of experts saying leave 3 inches at the end of a strand to accommodate the neck. I'm a guy I need help. Is is 3 inches each side of the clasp or 3 total. I'm specializing in Tin cup styles. Any comments as to how important this is, or should be would be greatly appreciated...