Search results

  1. S

    Way to go PP!!!!

    Has ayone seen this Or has it already been discussed and I am such a non-enity here now that I missed it? Pearl Paradise is offering adorable drop necklaes in honor of Sasha and Malia Obama. My neice is 13 and I am thinking of ordering both for her. What a lovely and hip way to introduce...
  2. S

    My precious little pearl...

    Hi Everyone, Sorry about the two month absence, if anyone has folwed my blog you know my news. On June 27th, I finally delivered my little pearl, Daniel Keisuke, or Danny as we call him. We had a rough first month with a couple of infections as a result of my four day labor. Yikes. the...
  3. S

    Another fantastic Christie's sale

    I saw this on AOL today and thought it looked amazing, huge, but amazing. I just wish there was a photo of the whole strand, although I do appreciate the detailed specifics. I thought the history was interesting too, just another reason to go into show business and be successful in
  4. S

    The " If only" thread...

    Ok, as we are celebrating Valentine's day, and I sit here cold and lonely because my husband went off to Kuwait for two weeks, leaving his poor pregnant wife alone in a foreign country. :D heehee So, I decided to cheer myself up with internet pearl browsing...the premise being "How can he...
  5. S

    PP monthly special for October..

    So this month we see a lovely set of dyed black CFWP. I think the photo is just lovely, I think PP will do a great with these. I love the double strand look, but as always I want more pictures. Don'T suppose we could get a PP staff member to model them? Even if only for this forum? I always...
  6. S

    Not on ebay, but honestly...

    Ok, so I am having another sleepless night and started trawling through websites trying to find something amusing/interesting..anything. So I found this Now my question revolves around 11-12mm black peacock necklace. Are these Tahitians? Am I...
  7. S

    Baroque Akoyas

    Ok everyone, are we ready to post, and boast the purchases?
  8. S

    Interesting pearl sites..

    I was just looking at a site and wasn't sure if anyone had seen it. If you just go to you will see it. The main thing I liked about it were the videos. I viewed about half of them and really enjoyed them, especially the one about the Akoya processing. I am not an expert...
  9. S

    First PearlParadise order

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to crow about my new neckalce. I ordered the 7-8mm CFWP dyed black from PP. First off, I have to say I love the necklace. It arrived this morning and I put it on with my pj's. I have to say, even the pj's looked spiffed up with them on. lol I compared them...