Search results

  1. Jacques

    Rainbow Matched Pairs

    Hi! Sometimes I can't help myself from posting pics of amazing pearls that go though my office. And - well - today seems like one of those days. Rainbow colored Near-Round Mangareva pearls, in 10-11mm size. And the best thing is, they are exquisitely matched by my dear Kelly Bailey! I could...
  2. Jacques

    "The Secret Life of Pearls" - Documentary airing on Nat Geo Channel - March 14th.

    "The Secret Life of Pearls" - Documentary airing on Nat Geo Channel - March 14th. There is a new documentary about Australian South Sea pearls airing on National Geographic Cannel. Here is the link...
  3. Jacques

    Some marvelous peacock colors

    From time to time I run across some pearls that are just so awesome that it's hard not to share them here! :D This is a lot of Mangareva circled shorts that I recently picked up in FP. I love these guys! They have so much character, color and individuality. Lovely greens and purples -...
  4. Jacques

    TOP BLUE Tahitian Beauties!

    Hi Pearly friends, Take a look at these BLUE colored Tahitians I ran across at auction in French Polynesia recently. I had rarely seen Tahitians that looked quite this blue. As you can see, these pearls' surface quality is not completely clean, more of a C/D quality, but the blue color...
  5. Jacques

    Cast your votes! : Natural coloration, or treated in some way?

    These are Tahitian pearls from a producer in the Tuamotus. I don't believe I have ever seen anything that looks like this kind of color in Tahitians before. I wanted to ask the PG community what they thought of these body colors, if they believe them to be natural, or enhanced in some way. Has...
  6. Jacques

    Deep Peacock's 'little cousin'

    Hello everbody, I thought you might enjoy a picture of the "little cousins" of the Deep Peacock pearls I posted last time here on the Tahitian forum. Not quite as 'deep' in my opinion, but still stunners, wouldn't you say?
  7. Jacques

    Natural Pearl Necklace Sells for World Auction Record $5.1 Million

    Check out this natural necklace
  8. Jacques

    Mangareva Beauties

    Thought you guys and gals might appreciate the color in these stunning Tahitian pearls from Mangareva, in the Gambiers islands! :rolleyes:
  9. Jacques

    Who knew? : Pearls are getting "smart" and talking and interacting!