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    Roskin's souffl

    Hollow pearls by design described by Gary Roskin along with a theory of how they came to be: French pastry & all, the story reminds me of other hollows - those called here and nowhere else, 'gas pearls'... Perhaps Roskin & all were...
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    A pearl deal [Met. video]

    The link below goes to a presentation by a historian with the Metropolitan NY. about the circumstances of a portrait and incidentally, of a rather nice collection of pearls shown with the sitter. Eleanora de Toledo's wedding gift ... the story of securing a significant pearl collection in...
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    FT: Bahrain pearling again (sort of)

    n.b. The Financial Times article is not new - only new to me and not yet posted here. [LINK]Bahrain restores pearls of its heritage By Digby Lidstone Published: December 21 2009 17:24 | Last updated: December 21 2009 17:24 "These days, pearling is all-but extinct in the Gulf. [...] Yet the...
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    Next of keen

    Mother of pearl! The story of the crafts involved in the piece can be tracked down on another forum I am only mildly a fan of knives & things as such, but the engraving and inlay and artistic metallurgy are quite an attraction. I wouldn't mind MOP worked like...
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    Thakoon & Tasaki

    A bit of news about making fashion with pearls Remember Thakoon? - the designer with lots of dresser space in the White House, and even more democratic personal style. Hard to avoid one thought: what pearls would fit in there? if that's even the point of the collaboration...
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    Claudie Pl

    Some rather beautiful things done with small natural pearls:
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    Korean MOP

    Not sure how well known is traditional Korean MOP inlay... I have just discovered how far (?) it may get and had to tell someone! MOP on Korean traditional arts blog Quite possibly, there is even finer somewhere. This is all it took to get my enthusiasm unsheathed!
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    Pearls Reflected

    Something else - at least entirely new to me: pearls on aquamarine cut to reflect them!
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    What goes into a pearl report? (GIA Thailand)

    GIA Thai has started to put research reports up online for some time, and the latest is of a large pearl with some story ('An unusual pearl...'). The paper describes the lab works along the way (all the more interesting for that, methinks):
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    Pearl Life

    The photo archive of 'Life' magazine has just become available on Google Images... among the stash, there are quite a few vintage photos of pearling and pearls. Try THESE, for a sample. To search the Life archive on Google, go to Google Images and add the words 'source:life' (no quotation...
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    Pearl Vogue

    'Tad scary stuff: (Vogue Online) "Culture Club: Designers take a shine to pearls" The presentation misses the line that may have sprouted many of its items - the boules of Dries van Noten last summer. Not sure I can justify the editor's calling those things 'pearls'! Most of the...
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    Sotheby's in Doha

    Perhaps you have already seen this in the news, but since there is no post about the event here... Sotheby's opened their latest emerging market (outdated lingo?) venue in Doha, and rolled something better then the average red carpet on the occasion: CLICK HERE for the relevant page I am...
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    Frshwater drop

    What you see is what I see: And for the complete listing, quote and large pictures, CLICH HERE and scroll. There are a couple of others Mississippi pearls in vintage pieces, but this one is by far the more striking. What do you think? How does one tell natural Mississippi pearls from...