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  1. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    Aww.. thanks lisa. Today is actually her 9 Month Birthday. :) I can't believe how big she's gotten. I took that video in August and she's a completely different baby now (just as cute though!!). I am going to have to be really careful about not spoiling her. She's perfect--well, except for...
  2. E

    Check out this hot new look!!!

    We just started watching Deadliest Catch on Netflix. :)
  3. E

    Majorica pearls are fake, aren't they?

    Grandma's pearls were really outstanding knockoffs. I should note though that we don't know for a fact that they were majorica, just that they were imitation pearls of the highest quality and "likely" majorica. I was down in Florida last week for my brother-in-law's wedding and I went to the...
  4. E

    Check out this hot new look!!!

    I never liked those reality shows, now I find myself glued to them (some of the anyway): Now I am really into Gold Rush and Bearing Sea Gold. :) You actually learn a lot about gold mining and even more about how NOT to run a business!! I am also completely hooked on storage wars (love Barry!!).
  5. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    Hey Lisa. It's an embedded video. It shows up on my PC's but not on my iPad (if you're using an iPad that may be the reason you aren't seeing it). Here'a a like to the video the video on youtube:
  6. E

    Applying For Membership-----

    Pattye, I was having a bout of insomnia last night and I was looking I starting going through this thread for the first time. I am really impressed with your work. You are really very talented. I really like your choice in colors and your designs have a very polished look to them, with...
  7. E

    Majorica pearls are fake, aren't they?

    From what I understand, Majorca pearls can yellow with age, loose nacre and can dry out--similar to real pearls unless they are well cared for. That said, most vintage pearls (including most of the vintage Mikimoto's I see on eBay) also have a creamier body tone then we look for today. Morjica...
  8. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    My wife insists on Alexandra--but I'll be calling her Alex when she gets older. :-). Those would be an expensive teething ring, but my little one prefers sparkly diamonds to chew on.
  9. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    Thanks pattye!! I bought Alexandra 4mm akoya studs. :-). They were actually really hard to find!!! She is still in her training studs.. So I'll have pictures in a couple of weeks. I would get her a little necklace, but she would probably try to swallow them. :-)
  10. E

    Check out this hot new look!!!

    I saw this picture and had to share: How long will it take for hip hop artists and rappers to get on the pearl bandwagon?
  11. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    You'll have to get him a Tahitian pearl on a leather strap. :-)
  12. E

    Interesting Story from Indonesia

    Keppie is short for keppelah, which means head. :-)
  13. E

    Interesting Story from Indonesia

    Shabbat shalom to you too. :) Amen! And a kiss on the keppie for Issac. :)
  14. E

    baselworld swiss 2012 any pearl guiders around ?

    Ok.. I lose. Well, I was reluctant to visit Germany, but I loved it--and Italy, which I expected to adore I was a bit disappointed by--go figure.
  15. E

    Should they stay or should they go????

    Oh boy--breaking out the family photos!!! Issac is adorable (wearing pearls no less)!!! Ha!! Here's my little one. I need to upload more photos to picassa--she's changes so much. She's now a big girl (almost 9 months old).
  16. E

    baselworld swiss 2012 any pearl guiders around ?

    Switzerland is wonderful. I spent two days in Lucerne in summer '2010 and absolutely loved it. It's prestine with a gorgeous 400 year old wooden bridge with beautiful carvings and when you look over the rails there are dozens of exquisite swan. The food is good--chocolate is delicious (not as...
  17. E

    Pearls from my father's estate

    If anyone would have a three strander of natural pearls it would be her majesty. :) I am guessing they aren't majorica (like Laura Bush used to wear!!!). Btw Caitlin, I love that picture of your grandparents. That's awesome!!! What a handsome couple!
  18. E

    Majorica pearls are fake, aren't they?

    I am looking forward to seeing them. I like that rope too. My grandmothers was a very graduated strand--I don't remember the sizes, but if I had to guess I would say 5-8.5mm. Not a very current look, but it will come back into style one of these days. :)
  19. E

    Interesting Story from Indonesia

    Wow Caitlin, maybe your stepdad knew my grandfather once upon the time. My grandfather was orthodox (but I am pretty sure he ate bacon and cheeseburgers when no one was looking) and he had an office in one of the building 46th between sixth and fifth avenues (don't recall the specific address)...
  20. E

    Majorica pearls are fake, aren't they?

    Caitlin, I just looked around online. It's hard to find legitimate "vintage" strands (versus, strands that are just used). Older Majorica's tend to have a creamier body color (they have gone white in recent years). As with real pearls, there are also different qualities for majorica pearls...