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  1. F

    New and less new pearls

    More, I am so pleased with the light! I noticed in the photos that the pistachio Tahitian pair has a smudge on a couple of the pearls (photos 3 and 5). This was something I just rubbed off - slight residue from something, not pearl blemishes.
  2. F

    New and less new pearls

    We were at a place with outstanding pearl light conditions, what a difference to photos! Sorry about the hair that made its way into the photos, I didn't see it until I'd uploaded. (It's actually a tiny carpet fiber.)
  3. F

    New and less new pearls

    And thank you BAS, newberry, Charlotte, 86Corvettegirl, Red, amti, BWeaves and pattye!
  4. F

    New and less new pearls

    I do need an intervention. I am a bit obsessed. I tell myself that these are my first long earrings though, so it's okay :) I've also decided to wear what I want at work rather than being super conservative, and it's wonderfully liberating.
  5. F

    New and less new pearls

    thank you! Yes I assume it's easier to wear these with short hair but I don't know. I'm missing a swan like neck unfortunately- the longest earrings tap on my collarbones!
  6. F

    New and less new pearls

    Ha, yes, I did take them all - I couldn't decide :0
  7. F

    New and less new pearls

    I bought the recent goldfish fireball from PP as well. It's not got the aqua of the cicada, it's slightly pinky. I'm wearing here with some of my Kojima earrings - these are fabulous pistachio ones. Terrible photo. Now I'm on leave I can try for better ones!
  8. F

    New and less new pearls

    Fireballs are wonderful. And they go beautifully with the Kojima earrings. This is the cicada shaped fireball from PP shown upthread. It has aqua overtones.
  9. F

    New and less new pearls

    Purple keshi necklace from Kojima, and earrings also from Kojima but earrings are from last Christmas. The purples are just incredible. I haven't matched this to the earrings, they were just sitting to the side of my earring family photo.
  10. F

    New and less new pearls

    I was building up to This. Most of my Kojima haul. Last photo is Sarah's. Yes, I'm loving the earrings!
  11. F

    New and less new pearls

    Now for the crazy. I've bought most of Sarah's earrings at Kojima. Since Christmas last year. Here are blue ones from last year with my fabulous necklace from Margaret at SimplyAdorned4U (shown up thread). I had thought the earrings were too heavy, but I hadn't worn dangle earrings in 20 years...
  12. F

    New and less new pearls

    Blue pendants that match! I'm only showing one here, but there are two pendants that I bought separately from TahitiPearlsDesigner on Etsy. They are lovely. Eric has great Tahitians.
  13. F

    New and less new pearls

    This necklace is from the wonderful Margaret at SimplyAdorned4U. Earrings are from Kojima from last Christmas. Bad screenshot because my photos wouldn't upload....
  14. F

    New and less new pearls

    I have continued to go a little nuts. First is a necklace from OceanRhyme on Etsy - this is exquisite. Julia has a range of quality for different budgets, this one equals my best quality Tahitians. The drop earrings in the first two photos are from Sarah at Kojima. The earrings in the second...
  15. F

    New and less new pearls

    A much belated thank you to everyone! I'm going to post more keshi earrings :)
  16. F

    New and less new pearls

    More group photos, these are a mix of all the vendors mentioned previously. Lots of Kojima earrings!
  17. F

    New and less new pearls

    Here are some group photos... I'm so sorry, they're upside down. There are other things here from great Etsy vendors, such as Angela from getawaygirl, Bea from xaosart and Jane from JRenau. The pinky necklace and earrings in the last photo are from Margaret and have astonishing lustre.
  18. F

    New and less new pearls

    More of my favourite earrings from Kojima, mixed with other pieces. The earrings at the end are from Imogene, which I mentioned upthread. The pendant is a beautiful piece of Morrisonite with a glass like polish and dark blue/green landscape scene. From DivaKami on Etsy.
  19. F

    New and less new pearls

    These earrings are Kojima, Sarah is remarkable...her eye for design is terrific and her gold SS pearls are the prettiest I've ever seen. The blue necklace is from Sarah, with enhancers from Eric at TahitiPearlsDesigner on Etsy. He's in Australia and has great pearls. The photo of the two...
  20. F

    New and less new pearls

    This necklace was made for me a few months ago by the wonderful Margaret from SimplyAdorned4U, it's Tahitians and aquamarine. It's gorgeous. The photos at the end are Margaret's where you can see how beautiful it is. The drop sapphire earrings are from Amy at Noduri Silverworks, on Etsy. I...