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  1. H

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    On the question of if AED's should be required. NOAA Working Diving Standards and Safety Manual. (Which covers working (e.g not scientific) diving conducted by NOAA employee's or Non-NOAA personnel performing working dives under the direct supervision of a NOAA Divemaster (DM) or Lead Diver...
  2. H

    Mikimoto vs. Hanadama vs. AAA American Pearl

    I like the "natural white" akoyas, but I really think the standard for pearls if the strand look high quality and looks good on you. Once you leave the world of low-quality, everything starts looking pretty good. A simple experiment is to go to a mall that has a mid-range department store, a...
  3. H

    Mikimoto vs. Hanadama vs. AAA American Pearl

    High quality akoya's are going to have a wow factor. It's the nature of Akoya pearls. As matter of marketing/customer assurance, vendors may send out high quality strands to get a Hanadama certificate, which will disclose information about the quality of the pearls, and sets some standards for...
  4. H

    Yokota Pearls

    That's why I asked about this here. It seemed weird that Yokota was selling some jawdroper strands (his best of AAA) at prices 2-3x what his "hanadama" strands went for, and then there were AA strands where you could get a Hanadama cert for an optional $75. I had always thought that Hanadama...
  5. H

    Pearl diver dies in Broome

    Commercial Diving is dangerous work, and would in most cases get you declined for life insurance per se. It's ultimately Paspaley's responsibility to run a safe operation, and that includes making sure that there employee's are appropriately skilled for the tasks they are doing. You're not doing...
  6. H

    Pacific Pearls International-Australia

    The way it works is that people are either sold at auctions or on contract to wholesalers or processors, who will then make up strands or other jewelery for retailers to sell to the public. Most B&M jewelers buy their goods from folks like Imperial Deltah, Mastoloni, Stuller, Pacific Pearls etc...
  7. H

    Yokota Pearls

    I don't see what the big deal is with Akoya pearl treatments, knowledgable people know, and the ignorant don't care. When you're dealing with strands at Yokota's level, the pearls probably didn't need or get much treatment.
  8. H

    Yokota Pearls

    Jeweljunke, When you bought that strand how did it work (shipping, billing etc), what "grade" was it within Yokota's system?
  9. H

    Interesting new strand from Mikimoto. Retails for $26,320. Hate to think of how many pearls you would have to sort through to get the graduation of body colors/overtones right, since it has to be symmetric on each side.
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    Yokota Pearls

    I'm with you Gemgeek. All I wanted to know was if anyone had bought from Yokota pearls, and if they liked what they bought. Jeweljunke answered that question (she has even more photo's in her photo portfolio, its an impressive strand.) You've answered my question about why they are selling...
  11. H

    Yokota Pearls

    Caitlin, I've been lurking on pearl guide for a while, before I started posting. I learned about Pearl guide while looking for info about buying pearls on eBay about year ago. I asked about Yokata, because on eBay they have some buy it now auctions for akoya strands in the mid four digits...
  12. H

    Yokota Pearls I just found it interesting that they were offering necklaces at price points above their "Hanadama" necklaces, at most retailers those are usually the most expensive.
  13. H

    Yokota Pearls

    Does anyone have experience with Yokota Pearls ( They have a few ebay auctions up, for high dollar akoya strands and a website with some very nice Akoya strands up. They claim to be offering several grades of AA akoya, as well as necklaces...
  14. H

    Can anyone please explain this?

    Can we move these threads to the ebay or what pearls do I have? forum.