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    Natural Abalone Pearls

    Hi Patricia, the abalone blister pearls are produced by worms and parasites in the inner side of the abalone shell. The outside nodules can be polished to look like a blister pearl but they wouldn?t be consider as a blister pearl.
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    The economist article

    For all I know, that would be as dificult to achieve as a good "world?s CO2 control agreement".
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    The economist article

    You?re welcome, I?m always informing myself in this forum so a small retribution is neccesary.
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    The economist article

    In case you haven?t seen it.
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    Nautilus pearl

    Thank you smetzler, I misunderstood the meaning of mantle in cephalods, I researched a bit and now I got it.
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    Nautilus pearl

    I have the same question as Valeria, How can it be that a tissue different from the mantle or bone secret a calcium concretion? Does this kind of cephalopod has claws in their tentacles?
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    Ocean acidification

    Thank you Caitlin. That?s the way we use in Chile for "laugh", a less demure laugh, jajaja (and again).
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    Ocean acidification

    Hi Ramona, I think the damage will be suffered by the shell rather than the pearl wich is protected by gonad tissue. Probably before the water?s pH of the whole ocean changes much worse effects will come from FANS and other uncontrollable microorganisms due to water temperature rise. (My...