Search results

  1. Alex

    My Kamoka Pearls

    Red - what a great picture of the ring - there with it's 'friends' yes, you're right, the last 2 have gone, so you really did get a great buy back in November !!
  2. Alex

    taking pictures of pearl jewellery

    I used to have an Canon Ixus 60 which I absolutely loved, and which was great for macro shots of flowers in the garden But then deceided to upgrade to a Panasonic TZ7 'cause I wanted more zoom (big mistake). But I never got on with it, so it just ended up in a drawer (which I think is what...
  3. Alex

    found little pearl at beach australia

    I agree with Lisa - the second photo on the black background really shows it off what a 16th Birthday present that will be !!
  4. Alex

    I recently found a pearl while eating lobster - any feedback greatly appreciated

    what a great thread amazing :cool:
  5. Alex

    My Kamoka Pearls

    ohoooh - so now I know why I was drawn to your Avatar - what a great buy !! I think your ring and BV's earrings would have been part of the original PP Kamoka selection (there are only 2 pieces left now) so they would have known each other ! LoL :o you have a lovely well matched set - they...
  6. Alex

    My Kamoka Pearls

    Red, those are just fabulous I love your photo of the pearls in their K box - stunning !! PS see a similar reflection in the Kamokas :rolleyes:
  7. Alex

    My Kamoka Pearls

    Hi Red, and welcome to PG that's a cool way to recreate a post photo !! How great you got some of Josh's lovelies - congratulations :rolleyes: and now of course, we all want to see them close up ! PS - what is the ring in your Avatar ? I see blue sky and something green in there !!
  8. H 54

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