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  1. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Thank you, I definitely had a lot of fun! (Considering buying a light box) I saw a lot of beauty in all these strands, didn't mean to come across as complaining or picky. I just wanted to be thorough about describing them instead of just goggling over how nice they are :) Happy New Year!
  2. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Photo Heavy Freshadama White, AAA White, and Metallic Multicolor Drop Necklaces Photo Heavy Freshadama White, AAA White, and Metallic Multicolor Drop Necklaces 1) white 16" Freshadama with silver rose overtones and yellow gold fishhook clasp 2) white 16" AAA with yellow gold filigree clasp 3)...
  3. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Pearl Dreams, thank you for the advice. I ordered a Freshadama 16" strand (6.5-7.5mm) with matching earrings (7.5-8.5mm) and asked for silver overtones, no rose or ivory. It should get here this Thursday- I believe my little Goldilocks adventure with the classic strand has come to a close! Will...
  4. K

    My new white South Sea Earrings and mixed strand from PP!

    Oh LitGeek, I can't express how much I love this necklace. And the earrings! It makes me happy when I look at this thread. My wish list has expanded the more I read the discussions and look at the gorgeous pearls on this forum and the more I read about pearls in general. Obsessions run the gamut...
  5. K

    My Latest Expedition

    Thank you for documenting such a cool expedition, I have learned a lot just from this thread. The pearls are such a treat. Me! I want to see some parasite photos!
  6. K

    Views on Pearl Factory, Pick a Pearl, and other pearl-in-oyster businesses?

    wowow... the husband just sent me this link from one of his friends asking for an explanation take a gander at all the dyed blackies I think my dream would be to travel to a pearl farm like Sea of Cortez and see all the operations for myself, gotta start saving...
  7. K

    Views on Pearl Factory, Pick a Pearl, and other pearl-in-oyster businesses?

    Ohoho what a riot!!! It makes me laugh when in videos the sales associate pulls out a chart detailing what the pearl value is worth (size, color, and luster, how scientific!) or point blank states that it is a $200 pearl and the customer squeals with joy.
  8. K

    Views on Pearl Factory, Pick a Pearl, and other pearl-in-oyster businesses?

    Very true, I guess I am just jaded and believe that everything we use nowadays be it provenance or the item/experience itself is marred by some degree of unethical behavior so I try to see the positive side. Merry Christmas! May you receive many pearls! Someone should start a holiday pearl haul...
  9. K

    Views on Pearl Factory, Pick a Pearl, and other pearl-in-oyster businesses?

    Thanks for the link, Pearl Dreams. So my suspicions weren't unfounded. Still a newbie.. That being said, I derive a small comfort knowing that they are still in fact real pearls as opposed to imitation beads (unless this has changed in the last year as a means to cut costs?). Despite the false...
  10. K

    Views on Pearl Factory, Pick a Pearl, and other pearl-in-oyster businesses?

    Hi everyone! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! I am currently vacationing in Orlando and happened across a Pearl Factory 'shack' in Downtown Disney. Other than their jewelry counter they also offer this "pick your own oyster" service where for $15.99 you select an oyster from which...
  11. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Freshadama Strand Arrived! First Impressions Freshadama Strand Arrived! First Impressions So I finally received the Freshadama 6.5-7.5mm 16" necklace from PP that I ordered to compare with the AAA grade strand of the same size and length. I have to leave for a week in FL tomorrow so I won't...
  12. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    That's awesome, thanks LitGeek! The silver and ivory strands certainly appeal to me more against the white background.
  13. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Ohh, I did not realize that Pearl Dreams. I have to wonder if it would be easier for me to just show up in person to compare all the tones instead of having to order them by mail (if only I weren't on the East Coast..). Now I have to look for comparison photos online for the overtones..there was...
  14. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    LitGeek, I have been wondering about how those two would visually compare. The metallic whites seem to be a bit more cool toned which wouldn't suit olive skin like mine, what do you think? I would love it if you were to take photos comparing the two (also with neck shots!). I have seen...
  15. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    I got Pearl Buying Guide in the mail and now I just have to resist reading it because I'm saving it for a camping read this holiday vacation. What I couldn't resist is getting this --> AHHH I...
  16. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Pearl Dreams and GemGeek, thanks for the tip. I will be adding Pearl Buying Guide to my list of reads, there are so many yummy photographs! Do you have any thoughts on Secrets of the Gem Trade: The Connoisseur's Guide? I am also raiding the local library this weekend :) Your answers on the...
  17. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Haha, I hope I have the will to pick just one strand, it "helps" that I have been eyeing a matching set of stud earrings! But what I don't really understand is, the price of a Freshadama necklace compared to a pair of earrings. If they are both composed of gem quality pearls, why are the...
  18. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Oh dear, after considering it for a while I decided to order a Freshadama strand as well, so that I can have them both in hand to compare and decide which to keep.
  19. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    I have an additional question for you experts :) How common is it for pearls to have been treated chemically and polished? This is something I saw in those Youtube videos Pearl Paradise has posted, so I was wondering if it was very typical for pearl producers (or only to specific pearl...
  20. K

    First Basic Strand Purchase

    Hi all, Thanks for the great advice and help with photo references. Your impressions about the size/style/etc. affirmed my decisions...with lisa c's reminder about Cyber Monday deals I basically caved at the end of a long workday yesterday and went with a 6.5-7.0 mm White Freshwater AAA 16"...