Search results

  1. YHammouda-Eyre

    Fossil Pearl found in back yard.

    Hi PearlGuiders, OK. Bodecia have a photo this time. :p This fossil pearl weighs approx. 3 grams, and the size is roughly 18mm +/- x 15mm +/-) and was found in the back yard where seashells are also often found in landscape for mulch - and this pearl was in one of the shells. Fossils of...
  2. YHammouda-Eyre

    Perfect Round Cambodian South Sea Pearl

    Waiting for a photo Waiting for a photo nope no scam - i get hundreds of questions a week, people asking about all kinds of things from fossil pearls, to gold hallmarks to the jewelry worn by the passengers on the titanic. I find most people are pretty genuine. I still haven't seen...
  3. YHammouda-Eyre

    Perfect Round Cambodian South Sea Pearl

    GIA Pearl Testing Labs GIA Pearl Testing Labs Hi Pearl-guiders still trying to get a scan of this pearl so I can post on the forum. Does the Carlsbad GIA lab still test pearls ? I'm asking because I've just been informed by the person making enquiries that the pearl has to be tested at...
  4. YHammouda-Eyre

    Perfect Round Cambodian South Sea Pearl

    Hello PearlGuiders - recently we had an enquiry from someone wishing to sell his 24mm South Sea Pearl, purchased 34 yrs ago in Phnom Pehn Cambodia. Apparently the pearl has been in a safe in a Bank in San Diego USA ever since, we have been informed it is 24mm perfect round with a pink and...
  5. YHammouda-Eyre

    Pearl Wedding Jewelry

    Hi Bernadette what an exquisite piece of art history you managed to salvage from the scrap heap! Not your average scrappy gold. Are there any markings at all, perhaps on the back? You might have to examine with a magnifying glass or jewelers loupe. Can you tell if this gold button is...
  6. YHammouda-Eyre

    Pearl Wedding Jewelry

    Thanks everyone for your replies to the Georgian Wedding/Empire/Regency and most appropriate Pearl Jewelry question. Cailtlin, thanks for the photos! As we know, Georgian fashion and jewelry and romance are synonymous, a fitting style theme for a wedding. Without boring you with a whole...
  7. YHammouda-Eyre

    Tahitian Pearl Farm Locations

    WOW! My heart skipped a beat. Josh, I thought the color intensity, the "blackness" of the pearl, was all to do with the ocean conditions. Without giving away any trade secrets, what kind of skill is involved that can determine the intensity of black color? regards Yvonne ___________...
  8. YHammouda-Eyre

    Has anyone seen a pearl like this before?

    Thanks Caitlin, interesting. The ring originally belonged to a lady from New York who traveled to Colorado escorting her 15 year old cousin in 1885 - I wonder if a solitaire freshwater pearl from American rivers would have any significance in this piece of history. GemGeek - thanks for your...
  9. YHammouda-Eyre

    Tahitian Pearl Farm Locations

    Josh, I've been been told that "truly" black pearls are very rare and among the most beautiful pearls in the world. Do the waters around the Tahitian islands produce truly black pearls? Would anyone have a photo of a truly black pearl? Thanks. Yvonne ____________
  10. YHammouda-Eyre

    Pearl Wedding Jewelry

    Hello Pearl-guiders the dress is high empire. Josephine Bonepart could have worn this dress.. need to know your thoughts and opinions on what type of pearl wedding jewelry would look "right" for that time period? regards Yvonne _____________
  11. YHammouda-Eyre

    Has anyone seen a pearl like this before?

    This ring is reported to be ca. 1800s. I'm assuming it's the original pearl. The pearl has a slight opaline iridescence in the light and a faintly yellowish area on one side. OK. It couldn't be a cultured pearl, because mikimoto pearls were not around this early, so my guess is this pearl is...
  12. YHammouda-Eyre

    Refinishing Pearls

    Refinishing Pearls? Refinishing Pearls? Thanks for all the great advice. Unfortunately though I haven't a photo of these pearls, so I haven't any idea what type of pearls are chipped and peeling. I've read somewhere, (I can't remember where now) that placing some types of pearls in a...
  13. YHammouda-Eyre

    antique pearls?

    Amrita I have to compliment your BEAUTiful strand of white FW pearls! How luxurious looking. I love the clasp too. Yvonne
  14. YHammouda-Eyre

    Black Pearls from Turn of Century

    Hello Pearl Guiders, it's my understanding that "black" pearls are Tahitian pearls. How does one find out the value (for insurance purposes) of a strand of black pearls from the turn of the century? Thank you with regards Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre
  15. YHammouda-Eyre

    Refinishing Pearls

    Hello Pearl Guiders recently a visitor from Grayling, MI, USA wrote in to ask where she could get her pearls refinished, they are quite chipped and scratched and she would like to get them refinished. Would anyone have any ideas? I am not in the USA. On the same topic - what does the...
  16. YHammouda-Eyre

    Pink or Peach Pearls?

    Pearl Grading Pearl Grading Thanks everyone, for your input. Much appreciated. So not being able to color grade pearls online because of the problems mentioned, how does mr or mrs standard average work out the color of the pearls? Is Mikimoto's Pearl grading system still the industry...
  17. YHammouda-Eyre

    Pink or Peach Pearls?

    Hello Pearl Guiders Are they Peach or Pink Pearls? This question got me thinking if there was any such thing as a master pearl color grading chart , like a diamond color grading chart, for determining the color of cultured pearls? Thanks again Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre...
  18. YHammouda-Eyre

    Persian Gulf Pearls and Authentic Certificates

    Thankyou Dr Stern and the Pearl guiders who offered their opinion and guidance on these questions about consumer protection when buying persian gulf pearls. I have added a link to this thread on my website. Dr Stern your website is as visually stunning as the pearls are. Thanks again...
  19. YHammouda-Eyre

    Persian Gulf Pearls and Authentic Certificates

    Dear Pearl Guiders we have received two good questions concerning consumer protection and buying Persian Gulf Pearls with certificates from Bahrain. The first question: client is planning on buying Persian Gulf Pearl/s over the internet, how does she know that the certificate from the...
  20. YHammouda-Eyre

    Another pearl from inner lining clearly visible?

    Dear Dr Tom Stern thank you very much for your reply. I have relayed your message to the appropriate person who made the inquiry from India. I haven't heard back yet, but if we do get photos of the pearls, I will ask permission to add a photo on the Pearl Guide forum. In India, Chov must...