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  1. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    Thank you, Cathy and Douglas! They are incredible in strong light or sunlight.
  2. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    Whew, it's been over a year! I've been following PG spasmodically. I recently got some Ethiopian opal beads, which I put together with some labradorite. They are really hard to photograph, they change so much with the light. I made a necklace and bracelet, and plan on earrings.
  3. linda.wald

    Help Identifying Pearls Please

    Lovely clasp! Does it have any markings on it?
  4. linda.wald

    Mississippi Pearls?

    What a lovely necklace! And yes, I would wear it with a t-shirt or a ball gown, or anything in between.
  5. linda.wald

    How Do You Store Your Pearls? Show Us!

    I like to go to thrift stores for clothing, since I find some neat things there. Not so much in the way of pearls there, though...
  6. linda.wald

    Pearl Farm visit in the Philippines

    Oh wow oh wow oh WOW. Which translates to I want to come, too!
  7. linda.wald

    Can you help identify this clasp

    It is a very common sort of clasp. I found this one in just a few minutes online:
  8. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    It was kind of amazing, but I am very glad we are home and healthy now! It will be a very long time before I will be able to talk my husband into traveling... But here is some lovely tiger eye that I found:
  9. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    Thank you, Happy Huku! I've been lazy about posting lately. We went on a trip to Canada, my daughter promptly caught Covid, and we quarantined for 5 days in an Ottawa hotel room. What a trip! Then we came home, and my husband caught it, so more quarantining. I can tell you, it is much nicer to...
  10. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    I made this with what my daughter calls 'macaroni beads'. She is remembering when in preschool she made necklaces out of actual macaroni. I think these silver ones are really neat, with amethysts.
  11. linda.wald

    PEARLS BY THE BAY 2022 - MAY 15th

    I managed to join, but it kicked me off after an hour. I figured no problem, I'll just get back on. But it didn't let me, and I missed most of Douglas' talk, sigh.
  12. linda.wald

    PEARLS BY THE BAY 2022 - MAY 15th

    Me too! Please...
  13. linda.wald

    PEARLS BY THE BAY 2022 - MAY 15th

    I second BWeaves: I really want to come but it isn't going to work out. Lots and lots of photos, so I can participate that way!!!!!
  14. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    Thank you, Douglas, jeg! The colors are wonderful. I had some pearls left over, so I made earrings, and I still have a few more:
  15. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    I got a pastel bracelet set from CMW, and used it to extend my pastel tahitians. I really like the result!
  16. linda.wald

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    We are still being very cautious, but I sure hope I can make it!
  17. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    Here is a tin cup I made not too long ago. The pearls are from Kong's Pearl. I hope the image uploads... It worked!
  18. linda.wald

    Clasp help

    You can also attach a jump ring without soldering, or use a split ring.
  19. linda.wald

    Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

    Thank you, Douglas, Cathy, Jeremy, and Charlotta! Right now I have them sitting in a pile on the desk next to me so I can look at them. They are quite amazing pearls... even my husband admires them!