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  1. I got married to this wonderful man two days ago and wore many (most?) of my pearls at the wedding, reception and after-party. If I had been on the red carpet and someone asked me "Who are you wearing?" I would have answered: "I'm wearing Kamoka, Kojima, Pearl Paradise, and Perlas del Mar de
  2. KauaiAnne

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    I got married to this wonderful man two days ago and wore many (most?) of my pearls at the wedding, reception and after-party. If I had been on the red carpet and someone asked me "Who are you wearing?" I would have answered: "I'm wearing Kamoka, Kojima, Pearl Paradise, and Perlas del Mar de...
  3. KauaiAnne

    Mother of Pearl Art

    Apropos of the season, here are a couple of photos of a manger made out of Mother of Pearl. Old. From Palenstine.
  4. KauaiAnne

    Pearl farming in the Maldives?

    It was a bit of a working vacation as I was mostly in Male, the capital. But here's a photo of some of those lovely waters.
  5. KauaiAnne

    Pearl farming in the Maldives?

    Does anyone know if pearl farming was ever attempted in the Maldive Islands? I was there last week and marveled at all the atolls, lagoons and and beautiful turquoise water. I asked a few people who knew about the economic development of the Maldives and they were not aware of any pearling...
  6. KauaiAnne

    Who wants to go to BALI?!?!

    I'm in! Finished the course today. Thank you for the opportunity. What a treat it would be to get to go. I've been working on my blogging chops. Could definitely turn it into a pearl farm blog.
  7. KauaiAnne

    Pearls as One The New CPAA Pearl Specialist Certification Course

    I just finished the course and scored 34 out of the 35 exam questions. (The one I missed I had second-guessed my first, and correct, answer. Doh!) It was such an interesting course and I thank all who had a hand in developing it and making it available to all of us. I'm not in the business, but...
  8. KauaiAnne

    WE WON! Who wants to go to Fiji? :)

    Well done! Count me in, I agree to all terms.
  9. KauaiAnne

    Sea of Cortez Harvest

    I would love to come!
  10. KauaiAnne

    PP Oct Sale Pearls

    A bit off topic, but I love your Tahitian tin cup. What size are the pearls?
  11. KauaiAnne

    Olivia de Havilland

    Today is Olivia de Havilland's 98th birthday! On the left she's Melanie Hamilton from Gone With the Wind in 1939. On the right she's ravishing in those pearls! Do you think they are real?
  12. KauaiAnne

    Pearl Ruckus 2014

    I'm in. Many thanks!
  13. KauaiAnne

    Pearls for Bride and Mother

    ; My metallic strand is 8-8.5 mm and 16" long. Thanks for all the nice comments. My daughter was a beautiful bride and I'm so proud of all her accomplishments. I'm sensitive to how older women are ignored or forgotten in our society, as if youth were the only prize that matters. Being a...
  14. KauaiAnne

    Pearls for Bride and Mother

    My daughter got married last weekend and just look at what we are both wearing - metallic freshwaters. Don't we just glow?! All these happen to be from PP. I bought my stunning necklace at last year's Ruckus. The torsade was a PP special late last year. The torsade is actually mine too, but...
  15. KauaiAnne

    Hawaii Pearls

    I cruised many of their (ubiquitous) stores when I lived in Hawaii but never bought from them. They do have some interesting and more unusual designs but I think you can do better price-wise. They carry the costs of a lot of bricks-and-mortar stores in expensive commercial real estate as well as...
  16. KauaiAnne

    A Kamoka Pearl for only $10? - Maybe....

    Not me either. Hoping that a P-Ger won it. But if not, Josh, please extend the invitation (or mandate?) to the winner to join our forum.
  17. KauaiAnne

    A Kamoka Pearl for only $10? - Maybe....

    My Inner Nun My Inner Nun My inner nun still lusts after the Kamoka pearl, but it's OK because all the money will build wells in Haiti. Another $10 for the collection plate. Everybody's inner nun should be down with that, so be generous and let's barage Passports with Purpose with donations...
  18. KauaiAnne

    A Kamoka Pearl for only $10? - Maybe....

    Lisa, I don't have to scare you, I just have to shame you. It's not enough to merely lust for the Kamoka pearl, you have to earn it! So down on your knees, missy, and pray hard, and drop another $10 in the collection tray. (Ooooo, how's that shallow soul feeling now?):p
  19. KauaiAnne

    A Kamoka Pearl for only $10? - Maybe....

    Lisa, you can trash-talk and go to Mass all you want, but like I said, you have to beat me first. To prevail in this pearl smack-down, you may have to add going to Confession, the rosary and the stations of the cross. :)