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  1. C

    South Sea Pearls

    So, that would mean natural not cultured pearls that Mikimoto was referring to. Unless he was talking about his predecessor William Saville Kent.
  2. C

    South Sea Pearls

    South Sea Pearls Yes that is correct but you left out Papua New Guinea. Also, I believe the term South Sea Pearls comes from early 1950's when after WW2 the allied powers ( USA, England, Australia ) being such good folks decided to rebuild the Japanese economy after the devastation of atomic...
  3. C

    South Sea Pearls

    Hi All, I have heard conflicting stories about SSP. Why are they called South Sea Pearls ? Any ideas ? regards, csmc
  4. C

    Gold Pearl Farm For Sale

    Dear Pearl People, I have a pearl farm/Company for sale in Papua New Guinea. It produces gold south sea pearls from Pinctada Maxima, comes with licences, hatchery, properties, all associated equipment including x ray machine, stock shell ( seeded, virgin & broodstock ). The current owner, due to...
  5. C

    Keshi Necklace

    Hi All again, sorry forgot to mention, 25" (640mm) long. 120grams Ta, Kim
  6. C

    Keshi Necklace

    Hi All, This is a keshi necklace that I put together for something to do. The 2 pearls are 10mm so you can see the keshi's are large. My question is, what do you esteemed folks reckon it's value could be ? regards, Kim
  7. C

    Golden Pearls

    Hi again folks, I have the only pearl farm in PNG and are located at Samarai Island, Milne Bay Province. Am originally from Broome Western Australia where as a bullet proof 23 year old decided to become a pearl diver & spent from 1979 - 1990 pearl diving. When I became too old for that side of...
  8. C

    Golden Pearls

    Hi all, just to let you know that gold pearls are produced in Papua New Guinea as well as Indonesia & Philipines. I have been farming hatchery produced gold lip pinctada maxima shells & pearls since 2000. All publications I read never mention PNG as a producer. Well, now you all know.. regards...