Search results

  1. T

    Newbie in search of pearls for a girlfriend

    Hmm, it's sounding pretty unanimous. So it sounds like the consensus is an 18" freshadama/gemgrade fresh with rose overtone. I guess I should get some matching earrings. Should the earring pearl size match the necklace?
  2. T

    Newbie in search of pearls for a girlfriend

    Well, she doesn't wear bracelets so I'll save some money there. I like the box idea. It's all about the presentation, huh ;)
  3. T

    Newbie in search of pearls for a girlfriend

    So the freshwater are tougher than Akoyas but the Akoyas are shinier?
  4. T

    Newbie in search of pearls for a girlfriend

    Thanks for the info. The length is something that I'm not sure about. I like the idea of a long string for the "wow factor" but I want it to still be versatile so maybe I should go shorter. So the AAA vs AA makes a big difference huh? I'll have to factor that in too. What's this about overtone...
  5. T

    Newbie in search of pearls for a girlfriend

    Hey folks, first post here. I'm looking my lady's first string of pearls. From what I've read I think a string of 7-7.5 Akoyas is the way to go. Maybe like this one?---- Is there anything I should look for in particular? She's age 30 and has a very...