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  1. H

    A Year of Pearls in the Life of a Pre-K Teacher:

    I enjoyed seeing every one of your pieces. You have a stunning collection. This necklace with three in one is superb. They look likes little glowing moons. Can I ask what size of pearls are they right in the middle? Are these really fine salt water pearls Akoya?
  2. H

    Christmas gift for wife help!

    Thank you for responding Cathy! I've been sort of vacillating on size. I want something that isn't small but also isn't going to be overwhelming. Sort of a classic white strand look is what I have in my mind's eye. Would some in the 71/2 millimeter or 8 millimeter fit my scenario?
  3. H

    Christmas gift for wife help!

    I hope I'm in the right place for this but I am in research mode right now and just wanted some opinions. I can pictured what I want. It's a white necklace with round pearls that have terrific shine. I started locally before researching on the web and was almost certain Akoya pearls are the way...