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  1. A

    Using a strand of pearls as a hair accessory

    My hairstylist says she isn't willing to try it (not in a negative way - she just doesn't think it would be a good idea, and she doesn't want to be responsible for ruining the pearls!) so I guess I'll have to find an alternative to my alternative! I think getting them worked into the bouquet...
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    Using a strand of pearls as a hair accessory

    GemGeek - Oh! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm acutally not very stressed out at all, though - I would love to wear my grandmother's pearls. It is just about finding a unique way to incorporate them. :)
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    Using a strand of pearls as a hair accessory

    Ew, fake pearls. Definitely not. It's either real ones or none! The bouquet idea could really work - I'll have to ask my grandmother how she feels about it. Thanks for all the responses!
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    Using a strand of pearls as a hair accessory

    Oooh, I like the olive oil idea - I'd feel much better with at least some sense of security that they are going into my hair with a bit of "protection". The bouquet idea could work, I'll have to play around with that!
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    Using a strand of pearls as a hair accessory

    Oh my - pearl garter, how risque! ;) I've only seen them once, and if I remember correctly they can be worn as a bracelet (I feel like I remember the little extra bracelet clasp attachment...thing...) but the problem with that is that my colors are white, black, and red, so my dress is white...
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    Using a strand of pearls as a hair accessory

    Hi there! I've posted this on Yahoo! Answers,, and emailed a few hair stylists, but I haven't really gotten any responses that made me very confident either way. Maybe you guys can help! My grandmother really wants me to wear her pearls on my wedding day. While I love the idea of...