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  1. B

    Candled Natural Pearls

    Sorry meant to add this for last photo. They do look similar but need an expert's opinion to be sure. The dark and pink pearls of my photos are pearls of Modiolus barbarous. Hope this helps you. Nice candling. Dawn - Bodecia eBay Seller ID...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Hello, they very well could be Pteria penguin. Common name, Winged pearl oyster. They come in those colours and are small. I have uploaded some that I have bought to show the colours which you have shown and are describing. I think they are the same. Dawn - Bodecia...
  3. B

    Trying to find out about these beauties

    I can't see what else they could be. Must be Akoya but extremely beautiful ones. I had a necklace a few years ago that were multi coloured in pastel tones and I believe they were akoya. They were very beautiful and the colours were subtle. I will try and find an old photo of them. Just...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Thank you Dave, just what I was hoping for. As for G7 I thought it might be cultured as I didn't see a lot of depth to it. Jewellery is supposed to be 100 years old to be antique but the term is used loosely these days and even looser on eBay. Vintage is a harder one as it is sort of like...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    This is a blue pearl pendant which I think I took photos of before with my camera. If I remember correctly Dave said it would be worth while taking better photos with it as it just may be a river pearl. So here they are. Loads of them sorry. But I took too many and don't want to be the one to...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    G7 Pearl - now putting in boxes and marking with details after taking photos. No. 2 and 3 photos (if they list as I load) are very much alike taken a minute apart but number 3 seems to have a better view deeper into the pearl. The drill holes look okay to me but this is a pearl I am not sure...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Andrea, you need to give it a salt sludge scrub and also use a tiny tooth scrubbing brush on the drill hole. That should help. Must have been set in something else at one time so it may not be a Victorian pearl, just ring. Looks like the shape of a keshi pearl to me but that is just a shape...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Hi Caitlin, Was just copying the Link after typing back to you and accidentally reloaded the page. Ugg, lost all I had typed. I hate that. Thank you very much for your comments. Very generous of you. As you know I have handle many, many naturals by now and that does help me a lot...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Hi Andrea, I will list some photos taken with it tomorrow so don't buy yet. Then you can compare the two lots of photos from different microscopic cameras. I am still using a flashlight and a hole in a box. The microscopes have lights but you don't turn them on as then you couldn't take the...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Hi All, Just about ready to give my verdict on the microscopes. I think the last one is the easiest to use especially for critical focus. There is no movement so it makes it easy. Also boxes can be tall and photos can still be taken so I have to go with it. Works for both Macs and other...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    This is a pink pearl but not the brilliant pink you see here. Size 9.5 x 8.40 x 7mm deep. Hard to measure. It has a blemish on the side. I put photos up before of it in Dawn's Pearls if you want to compare. I believe it is a natural pearl but do give opinions. Also please give your...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    This is a pearl ring with a creamy white pearl but in these photos it is showing up pink. Looks beautiful but that is not the colour. Opinions? Dawn - Bodecia eBay Seller ID dawncee333 Natural pearl collector & seller. And all round pearl lover.
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    This is more photos of Number 3 pearl. I have taken them on the other microscope which I am attempting to see if they are better or worse. They do appear different but I need to take a lot more yet. I do have a lot of pearls to box with details before taking photos of them. I rushed a...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Hi and thanks for your remarks. I agree this thread just has to have a sticky for all the information in it and what we learn from it. Caitlin we need a sticky for it. :) Help. CharmedOne and Pattye, you are welcome. At first I was going to recommend the one that I had been using but...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Number 4 the above pearl - doesn't look like Akoya but then it does look like a Gulf pearl either and in the photos it looks scaly. Weird. Dawn - Bodecia eBay Seller ID dawncee333 Natural pearl collector & seller. And all round pearl lover.
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Number 4 Photo One more lot of photos for tonight, actually early morning. This one I just don't understand. It is half drilled and there is plenty of light getting through that half drill hole. I have taken loads of photos of it as it is a nice pearl but is it natural or not. That is the...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Hi CharmedOne, does an iPad have Photo Booth, not iPhoto but Photo Booth where it can take your photos as you are working on your computer. If it does and it would have USB ports then a USB Microscope should work. Dawn - Bodecia eBay Seller ID...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Hi Andrea, still taking photos but should get to bed. My eyes are so tired from doing this. It is very tiring work but fun at the same time. :) I have loads of pearls to work on. Have fun with your cleaning and reading :) Dawn - Bodecia eBay...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    With Number 3 (above) I am not positive that it is natural. It does have a lumpy, wrinkled surface and one drill hole is on a lip. I did try to clean the drill holes but there appears to be a little difference with each that may indicate a cultured pearl. The Lip that is drilled may just be...
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    Candled Natural Pearls

    Number 3 - 1.15 carats - app. because of my limited scales. Would like to know what is thought of this pearl. It has a wrinkly surface which you will see. Dawn - Bodecia eBay Seller ID dawncee333 Natural pearl collector & seller. And all round pearl...