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  1. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Thanks everyone. The pleasure is all mine. I typed out a long reply quoting Caitlin and when I tried to post it this thing kept saying my message is too short. I think the website decided to get sarcastic. So copying and pasting the entire message here.
  2. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Thanks everybody for all the love. Yes I have some pairs of earrings. Posing some old pictures I have 1) the long dangly earrings have 10mm pearls each. 2) the studs are 10.5mm each 3) the danglies with two diamonds are 11.5mm each 4) and finally the dang lies with baroque/weird pear are...
  3. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Agree with most of what you say. I am hesitant to talk about what I paid for these but it definitely a fortune. I don't know about pearl market in other countries but as of last 7-10 years pearl prices have been consistently going up and you can make a nice profit if you sit on them patiently...
  4. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    You are right. I have a lot of bling envy going on from time to time on forums like these ;) on a serious note- I'm glad I can show these off here with out fear of being judged. I barely wear any of my expensive things where I live. I take them out very often admire them and model them for my...
  5. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Sorry about the picture overload. Hope I didn't bore you guys!
  6. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Real life perspective of two of my necklaces. I have not posted the three row necklace up close since I don't have it with me right now. I still own it however. The three row necklace used to be longer two rows before- pictures of which I posted in pricescope.
  7. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    I have posted this on pricescope before. Used to be a five strand necklace. Used the sane pearls and made it into six strands. Added an extender on top. This was the necklace with "teeth marks":) that apparently made some people believe I was mistaken about the nature of the pearls
  8. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    This is also a Fabulous strand of cream colored pearls. Luster is super nice and shaped and surface are great too. Slightly off round very few blemishes. 11mm to 5mm
  9. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Cream colored. 10mm-4.5mm
  10. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    I have posted this beauty on pricescope earlier. This was and still is the best necklace I own. Haven't come across anything this good in a decent price. 10mm-4.5mm
  11. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    The necklace with rubies is more for the size of the pearls than its uniformity in shape and color. The biggest pearl is 13.5mm and the smallest is 5.5mm The other two pictures are of the same necklace. 8mm to 4mm
  12. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Help Help I was able to attach 3 pictures in one post (without dragging them into the empty space below in the file manager page) been trying to post more and it says I need to drag the files. I am using an iPhone to post the pics and it would not let me drag th files on touch screen any...
  13. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Pics1 Pics1 This is my newest acquisition. 10.5mm biggest pearl and 5mm smallest pearl. Love the luster and it has very very few blemishes. Color is called white here but I think In the western world it will be classified as off white
  14. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    I just took a few pictures on my phone. Did the best I can. I still own all the necklaces I posted in pricescope (I made changes to a couple) and I added somemore to my collection. Not all pieces from before are with me right now. So got pictures of what ever I have with me.
  15. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    I use my cell phone.
  16. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Lol. My apologies. Years of calling them basras can't be changed overnight. Force of habit. Didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.
  17. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Caitlin: I will definitely post more pictures tomorrow. I am a newbie here as you know....I don't kno why I can't see my posts here and yet you pls :confused:
  18. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Marianne, Pray tell me why you think I am mistaken. I must either be lying or been cheated if those are not naturals ;)
  19. I

    Reading something online and have a question please

    Hello. I am the lady whose pearls are the topic of discussion. I was just lurking in this forum and imagine my shock/surprise when I found this :rolleyes:I HAD to register just to be able to reply. Would have been easier (and straight forward) if the original poster just posed the question on...