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  1. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    I sure do not want to upset anyone so I will stop posting
  2. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    logic and art dont always walk together simular to love and reason
  3. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    . OK I will :) if I try and fail at the very least I get an education that I will share with the community . this isnt so much about the worth but if their is a market that would be a plus . lets see a show of hands from all the people that never wasted any money or time . if you dont try you...
  4. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    its hard to keep a secret with the invention of the internet (thanks Al Gore) :) on the subject of nucleus implants little bits of info. are all over the net. and everyone leaves out some info. Lucky for me the info is overlapping and I now have enough info about the operation attempt it once I...
  5. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    well because I have somewhat of a brain I processed everything you all have said then I did a internet search to get the rest of the worlds opinion and here is how I now feel .. . that may be partialy mis quoted and stolen if you are concerned with inflicting pain on animals based on your human...
  6. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    I find my self pondering "happy as a clam" and "The world is my oyster" :)
  7. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    I chose the quahog because it is very easy to come by where I live . today I ate a bunch of animals 2 eggs ham and a burger and I never felt bad about it till now I guess I have issues to deal with :) . mounting these pearls I guess will have to be some type of clamp cage or container if they...
  8. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    Mr.Sheperd I hope you are correct inflicting pain is not something I enjoy so this is great news for me and the clams . also today I found a clam farmer that is willing to care for the seeded clams once I learn how to nucleate them . today this project just got 50% easyer for me . now the quest...
  9. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    yes they are not that great looking in my opinion either but they are easy to obtain and if I wanted to expand our local waters will support them
  10. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    this is actualy a very good point it wont net me the end results I seek but from a beginers stand point it is a more logical way to start . the first part of this large undertaking will be to just keep one of these animals healthy in a large aquarium. way before I become a surgen I must be a...
  11. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    no matter what route I take their will be a learning curve and these mollusks would be sold and die even if I did nothing if it were not for experiments the cultured pearl would not exsist at all . I sure feel lucky that I do not have to make you comfortable before I am allowed to continue and...
  12. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    I couldnt agree more the operation is not a good thing for the mollusk what I ment by a pampered life was if the animal survived it would live out the rest of its life in a tank free of preditors with me monitoring and caring for its every need . I wonder if it would matter to any consumer that...
  13. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    some VERY good points have been raised like aprox. 5% will develop quality pearls. it appears that at some point you just have to wait and see. I mean you can nucleate them and some will die and they can be removed and other mollusks can be nucleated to take their place but once all the space I...
  14. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    it may be shellfish (PUN) but my desire to try out my ideas slightly wins over my compassion for all living things . this compassion is a strength not a weakness I will be contacting various vets and and animal professionals to see how this can be done and if I can find a way to lessen the...
  15. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    it seems that the people that graft fresh water mussels may be my closest help I would have to call and talk to them I dont want the tourist type resort visit I am looking to learn . my motivation has nothing to do with profit thank for your suggestion . heres another random question what is...
  16. K

    I want to learn how to implant a nucleus in a clam

    I cant travel to learn this skill (responsibilitys) but would it be possible to learn from a book or DVD? I completely understand that this skill boarders on art and take years to perfect. (a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step) . is any info available ? . question once the...