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    Tridacna - Giant Clam Shell Pearl

    Not Pearl Not Pearl Dear All I've finally got confirmation the pictures I posted earlier are not pearls. I was told later by another person who know the person who sold it to me. They carved out the round shape from the shell and sold to me as pearls which I initially believed. Thank you for...
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    Tridacna - Giant Clam Shell Pearl

    Thank you for all of your valuable comments. I will give up the idea it's a pearl and that it's made from the Tridacna shell. Anyway I will still get one certified next time I travel overseas. I might post the result later to confirm what it is if I can get it tested. Jeremy I understand your...
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    Tridacna - Giant Clam Shell Pearl

    More photos
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    Tridacna - Giant Clam Shell Pearl

    Thank you for all the comments. First I thought they should be pearls base on some reasoning but after all your comments I have doubt now. I will try to explain how they get the pearl as told to me. They say as you approach the clam it will sense danger and start to close. As it closes there...
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    Tridacna - Giant Clam Shell Pearl

    Tridacna - giant Clam Shell Pearl Tridacna - giant Clam Shell Pearl Knotty: I think this forum analysis very professionally on Pearl Of Allah (POA). Anyway, I think it's ugly and is a blister pearl right (meaning it sticks onto the shell). I agree this should be more a collector item rather...
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    Tridacna - Giant Clam Shell Pearl

    Please make some general comment on the pearls from Tridacna. Is it considered rare? Does it fetch good market value? I've attach photos on the pearls for comments. The ruler will give you an idea of the size. I don't have chance to get it certified from GIA yet as we don't have such service in...