Hi Sheryl,
So far I've bought 14k;
6" of 22gaugewire, from ugems I think, (no earthly idea what I was thinking I'd do w it, I was on ebay late one night), and
beads, split rings, bails,drops and headpins from jadeemporium, in very small quantities.
I wanted to repair some jewelry I hadn't worn for a while because of missing pieces, such as that.
I like that I don't have to worry about 'wear' re the 14kgold. I hope, anyway. The person at JadeE is very nice. For all I know, she's a member of PG!
I'd like to buy some decorative bead caps(?) to top a couple of pearls, to FIX my daughter's drop earrings, for good. Rather than replace a lost pearl I'm going to buy a pair of full-drilled pearls from PP, and since they'll be fully drilled I want to do something to make them look more finished.
I like the filigree look. So far I've looked at Stachura, and other places. I LOVE Rio Grande, but find them pricey, of course.
I'm kinda strapped for cash, so I have to decide just how much I want to put into fixing up these earrings, and when. She isn't one to be real careful with what she has. I'm not sure why that is (unless she just takes after her father

. That's a LOL, there), or if it's a permanent trait. Maybe I'll fix them up for myself

I'm definitely going to buy a rosegold clasp from Star's Clasps, in multiples if I can. I've had my eyes on it for a while. Imanit used it -you can see it under "time to show you another one" on PG.
I've begun taking apart old necklaces, to see what I want to make of them in combination with some strands I'm waiting on from China(again, small time order, just $15). Ordering for the first time from Integrity Pearls comes after I get the China pearls.
Ironically, the pearls I've spent the most on over the years are the least worthy, and the ones I've gotten for 95cents at the local thrift are better quality. I actually have what I think are 3 Biwa necklaces, bought during the years when they were out of fashion.
I think most of the craftswomen/men on PG operate in a richer arena, but that's not surprising given that I'm literally just starting to learn.
I want to be a Humble Beader. Or an Humble Beader, if not pronouncing the H.
Sorry it's such a long post.
I'm grateful for your offer of help, surely I need it!