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  • Good luck to you and your fishy pearl. If I were you, I'd wear it until someone wants to buy it right off of you.
    Hi All
    Thanks for visiting my profile area.
    I am terrible about reading this page regularly- like once a year, LOL, so PM me if you want an answer before 2015.
    Hey there, I feel welcomed. I have enjoyed this forum thoroughly, and that includes you!
    Thanks for visiting my albums! Your comments gave me a smile today.

    Every now and then I add a few more photos-- even now, I have a few things that need to be photographed!
    Hi Beautiful & Lovely Pearl Of a lady! Thinking of you & wishing you a great day!!

    Shh, of course my dear Caitlin, of course. For free, I will give them to you.

    When they arrive, I will do a show and tell, you let me know your mailing address then! :)
    HI there. So great to see you again! Hope you had a fabulous time on Sat night with the gang. Thanks so much for the invitation. Hope to see you again next year. Stay healthy!
    I checked in a different browser and realize my albums are in disorder! I will take these down and make new albums. I guess they did not make the transition to the new website properly.

    I really wanted to do this for a long time but I am so lazy! Now I think it is about itme.
    Yikes! My view of my albums is all messed up! I bet I have to redo them. I haven't touched them in ages.
    Hi Caitlin, I just had a looksee in your albums and my heart aches for that Web Zoe Akoya Bracelet. Love your fine taste :)
    Hi Caitlin,

    Where did your pics go, of yourself progressing from a youngster to now? I came back to see them, and - gone!

    Lisa C
    Hello South Arizona ! Hong Kong speaking. Thanks for your help ! Post #1 was sent allright ;-)
    Good morning Caitlin, I hope this finds you well. I had a customer tell me last week that he has been reading PG for a very long time and wants to become a member, and can't quite figure out how to get through. His name is David Loewer, and his email is Seems to be a pretty wholesome business man from Indiana. I am not sure what the process entails, but I told him I would write to you and find out. Thanks and blessings to you!
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