What are they...50's - 60's

A Breaker

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2024
Help, what are these pearls? These are vintage from 1950's - 1960's (by the clasp) and I am guessing they are akoyas...but they look strange. There are no knots, but these are lightly gritty. Thanks
I have never seen them before.... Do you think they have a bead? I know tastes come & go, but would these have more value than round akoyas with less narcre? or less value back in the day? The string is broken & needs knots would you put on a new clasp?
How big are these? I see some smaller sized ones that look very Akoya to me, but then...what sizes are we talking about?
Around 8mm. Douglas..In general for 1950's: were round, but thin nacre more valuable than baroque with thick nacre? Or is big baroque more valuable than small round? Any idea historic valuing in the 50's?
Thick nacre does not guarantee luster.
And women like round pearls!
My guess-- round akoya pearls were more generally desired/desirable then as now, and thus were more valuable than baroque pearls then as now.
Thick nacre does not guarantee luster.
And women like round pearls!
My guess-- round akoya pearls were more generally desired/desirable then as now, and thus were more valuable than baroque pearls then as now.
I agree with all of the above ... these pearls look like baroque Akoya, which would be less expensive than round Akoya.