Recent content by Sueki

  1. Sueki

    Thanks Jeremy & Pearl Paradise

    Just want to say Thank You ! to Paradise Pearls. My sister's 30th wedding anniversary was looming and my brother-in-law called me asking my opinion on various pearl necklaces he was looking at. None seemed all that special and I mentioned that he could do worse than contact Paradise Pearls...
  2. Sueki

    Scottish Tay Pearl locket on Ebay

    Hi Wendy, Sorry, I don't mean to sound school marm-ish; I am pedantic by nature :( and am very tuned-in to inconsistencies in the story-telling when it comes to "antique" jewellery. There are so many rogues about.
  3. Sueki

    Scottish Tay Pearl locket on Ebay

    British gold standards as far as I know: Only 22 carat from 1575 until 1798; In 1798 18 carat was introduced and both 22 carat and 18 carat were permitted; In 1854 9 carat, 12 carat and 15 carat were introduced and were permitted standards alongside 22 and 18; In 1931 12 carat and 15 carat were...
  4. Sueki

    "Genuine Japanese Kasumi Pearls"

    Yes, cyndaco, I am of the same mind; both those items in my "curious" post I am highly dubious about. I immediately recognised the "pink saltwater pearls" for what they are (thanks to pattye for confirming) and the akoyas - I have always been uynder the impression that these blue akoyas are a...
  5. Sueki

    "Genuine Japanese Kasumi Pearls"

    I'm curious, too, about the "lavender pink salt water" pearls here: And equally curious about the "Japanese Blue Akoya Cultured Pearls c. 1950's"
  6. Sueki

    Scottish Tay Pearl locket on Ebay

    Hmm, 10 carat gold means that it's not British made. And I wonder what the provenance is that says it's a Tay pearl ?
  7. Sueki

    "Genuine Japanese Kasumi Pearls"

    I sincerely hope that it's a genuine mistake and, once Rita has checked with the local jeweler, that she will come back to you with the findings Pattye. But I won't hold my breath... And, yes, I can see the usefulness of mentioning your degree. No arguing with that... :)
  8. Sueki

    "Genuine Japanese Kasumi Pearls"

    Nice one pattye !
  9. Sueki

    "Genuine Japanese Kasumi Pearls"

    Yes indeed, very frustrating. And it's a crying shame that there are ladies wearing these things in the belief that they are Tahitian, Kasumi or whatever... Ah well, I'm going back to the bead board before I blow a gasket.
  10. Sueki

    "Genuine Japanese Kasumi Pearls"

    Hi Wendy and Pattye, Thanks for the welcome ! And I'm so glad I'm not losing it.... What a downright dishonest seller. Mind you, I've been looking more closely at a lot of pearls for sale lately and it seems that this is a fairly typical example of a good many pearl sellers these days. Pattye...
  11. Sueki

    "Genuine Japanese Kasumi Pearls"

    It's been a long time since I was on here, but I am speechless at what I'm looking at so am posting this link in case I've completely lost the plot and have forgotten what I thought I knew about Kasumigaura pearls:
  12. Baby Samuel - a few minutes old....

    Baby Samuel - a few minutes old....

  13. Samuel Campbell Kirkland

    Samuel Campbell Kirkland

  14. Sueki

    Exotic Strands Are Coming!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have purchased several items from PearlParadise and have been delighted with the goods and the service provided, and, therefore, am a staunch supporter of Jeremy's; indeed, I hope to be buying from PP again soon. However, I find your statement to be a generalisation in dismissing all European...
  15. Sueki

    Exotic Strands Are Coming!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here is a link to a very clear explanation and breakdown of the charges incurred when importing to the U.K. from outside of the EU. (VAT here has reduced to 15% since the article was written, but will soon be increasing back up to 17.5%) It also gives an idea of the various carrier's fees for...