Recent content by softnsunny

  1. softnsunny

    Stringing Tutorial with photos: Stringing on Serafil, Beaders Secret & Power Pro

    And thanks for the mesaages for AU suppliers of the collapsible needles
  2. softnsunny

    Stringing Tutorial with photos: Stringing on Serafil, Beaders Secret & Power Pro

    Thanks for the photo tutorial ... great tips. Never stop learning!
  3. softnsunny

    Since you asked ... my favourite pearl necklace(s)

    These are my favourite necklaces. I usually wear them together. I was going to make a third, but haven't gotten to it yet. Knotted, different shaped freshwater pearls, around 6-8mm, all cream. They dress up even a casual outfit, so it looks like I have gone to lots of bother!
  4. softnsunny

    Stringing Tutorial with photos: Stringing on Serafil, Beaders Secret & Power Pro

    This is my Favourite. Thread. Ever. (pun intended) ​​​​ I have been knitting pearls (and other beads) for many years. I have tried dozens of threads, knots, and a few different techniques. My "most" reliable technique required a 3 times pass of thread through a bead for the final end knots but...
  5. softnsunny

    Pearl buying in Seoul

    Hello pearl lovers. I drift in and out of this lovely forum, depending on what pearls cross my counter, and what issues I face with repairs. I own a beadshop in southern Australua, and stock a small selection of freshwater pearl strands. If its not too cheeky for a part time participant in your...
  6. softnsunny

    How to Make a Pearl Necklace.

    craftontheinternet and Empire Beads are online. Beads Trimmings and Craft have a large shop and also sell online. I think Kaygee will also sell wholesale, but I haven't checked that.
  7. softnsunny

    How to Make a Pearl Necklace.

    Umm, Shamrock craft sell it wholesale, craftontheinternet, Beads, Trimmings and Craft in Brisbane, and I think Empire Beads sell it too. I'd love to know what you think, Caitlin. Ruth
  8. softnsunny

    How to Make a Pearl Necklace.

    A very late addition to this post. I saw some Kaygee spools at a trade show recently, remembered this thread, and bought some. And it's the best thread I have knotted with. There are only 3 thicknesses, in white, beige and black, but I manage ok. One between medium and thick would be nice :-)...
  9. softnsunny

    Twisting torsades ... Gemgeek?

    Ooooh, that is so pretty! Yep, that should help ... many thanks for your detailed instructions. I have seen many ready-made necklaces using both thread and beading wire that remain twisted permanently, and I've tried several methods, but the rope has been tight, partially twisted, or just...
  10. softnsunny

    Twisting torsades ... Gemgeek?

    A plea to Gemgeek ... In the gimp thread, you mentioned using cones and twisting torsades ...please, please, some help here! I have often tried twisting several strands of beads, often pearls tho not always, but I have yet to discover the secret of a soft, evenly twisted and permanantly twisted...
  11. softnsunny

    How to Make a Pearl Necklace.

    Lol, Caitlin! Thanks, Knotty Panda ... *hug*
  12. softnsunny

    How to Make a Pearl Necklace.

    Hi, Caitlin ... thanks for your instructions in this link. Most helpful! But I haven't been able to get any useful info from this link above ...? Thanks, Ruth
  13. softnsunny

    Want to learn pearl knotting!!

    Now the beginning of August. I flew to Darwin for a few days [I]warm, sunny[I] weather. And the welcome from the people in Darwin was just as warm My very special, public thanks to PG's generous Cathybear for her time, patience and expertise as she taught me not only how to knot, but so much...
  14. softnsunny

    Tahitian Stretch Bracelets

    Hey,I love the idea of the bead with a larger hole one side to tuck the knot in ...
  15. softnsunny

    Please advise this Redhead!

    Hello, crazyforfreshwaters! Glad that you have some lovely new pearl earrings. Go yr hubby! I analyse personal colours in my shop ... I added it on cos people kept on asking me hard questions[I], wanting advice and assuming I was an expert on what colours and styles best suited them. Phew. So I...