Recent content by perlinda

  1. perlinda

    re: real SSPs?

    Karin, there are plenty of SSP dyed in green. In Lombok, the green and chocolate dyed pearls are popular and can be found on any pearl store. Jeangrey1, I think they're real SSP. But like Karin said, they appear to have low luster and not good grade. This type of pearls are sold for low price...
  2. perlinda

    Pink South Sea Pearl Ring

    Pattye, yes I saw and examined them in person. They're different than the pearl ring that Red posted, which is more of white SSP with an intense rose overtone. These pearls have pink body color, and only one vendor that I know of collects them. I asked if he ever got one in good quality and he...
  3. perlinda

    Pink South Sea Pearl Ring

    I re-attached the picture above, is it visible now?
  4. perlinda

    Pink South Sea Pearl Ring

    I have to disagree that it's Edison, I believe the pearl on the ring to be South Sea pearl. White SSP that pink is available but very very rare, and comes with high price tag. I've seen that kind of pink before, especially the way it shifts color is typical, but usually not this good quality. I...
  5. perlinda

    Golden south sea pearl?

    It needs experience to find out whether the pearls have been dyed or not, but dyed golden pearls tend to be striking in color and luster. Your GSS pearl pendant seems to be medium golden which is not how dyed golden pearls would look like. Sometimes the dye would collect on the spot, and the...
  6. perlinda

    Southsea pearl setting into a ring

    I know many people here (Indonesia) are cutting tails of baroque pearls, and then gluing them together to create one monstrous baroque pearl in weird shape. So I think there's a way to cut it cleanly, even though the tail seems thick on this one.
  7. perlinda

    Golden south sea pearl?

    That's real GSS, congratulation on the purchase, a good deal for 13mm pearl! However, scraping it with scissors? My first time hearing about it.... doesn't sound reliable though.
  8. perlinda

    Amazing Fiji Pearl from J Hunter Pearls Fiji

    Wow, that's grade C? Would love to see how grade A would look like!
  9. perlinda

    Freshwater Pearls 24/7

    You're welcome Theresa :) 0.5mm is give or take since I didn't really measure it. Pearl has layers like onions, so there will be shedding over time especially the ones with prolonged use. Oh, and one more thing, my pearls changed from round to off round.. so the shedding wasn't even on the...
  10. perlinda

    Freshwater Pearls 24/7

    Theresa, I used to wear freshwater pearl dangle earrings 24/7. I didn't take them off for months, probably 6 months or so. The changes I noticed were they turned slightly smaller (around 0.5mm less), the white color tuned a bit creamier/more yellow, but the luster also got better (Akoya-like) by...
  11. perlinda

    Southsea pearls or not?

    The black South Sea pearls are Tahitian pearls, I don't think they're dyed since I've never heard before that SSP dyed in Tahitian black color. Green and chocolate, yes (check picture on the post #1), but not that black color, cmiiw. The golden ones appear to be dyed, you mentioned that the...
  12. perlinda

    Transparent layer on golden SSP

    Just want to share a golden SSP that I recently got, it has something that makes me curious. Probably it's more common than I thought, but since this is the first time to me to see (or notice) it, I'm wondering what this is. On one end, the pearl appears to have flat surface, I measured it and...
  13. perlinda

    White South Sea Pearl Studs

    I haven't visited PG for a week so I just saw this thread, thank you for posting them! I'm glad you like the pearl studs, and they look so lovely on your ears :D
  14. perlinda

    Help!! Where to authenticate my pearls in Cebu Philippines?

    To me, they kinda look like SS pearls. For the peanut shape pearl, one of my pearls here looks a bit like that The round ones seem to be smooth from the picture (but definitely need better picture to know for sure)...
  15. perlinda

    Improving pearl lustre naturally ? ?

    For South Sea pearls... not all pearls can have the luster improved. Unfortunately, I don't know the exact method used, just that it involves some machine/tool but I guess it's basically just applying strong buff on the pearl. I got the info from a fellow who sometimes got request to do the job...