Recent content by PearlLVR

  1. P

    Rainbow loom

    Are those rubber bands?
  2. P

    De-Stash Project - Stash Bash

    enlarge the holes. I enlarged 6 pearl holes to make an endless strand and you can't tell.
  3. P

    Pearl knotting with no tools

    The beaders secret works really well. The trick is to hold the knot on top of the pearl. And then grab the two strands and pull so the knot slides even closer to the pearl. These pearls are tight tight tight. And despite the lower quality, they are very pretty especially when twisted into a...
  4. P

    Pearl knotting with no tools

    Yes it is.... I ordered the high quality white keshi previously and was in LOVE with those. gorgeous pearls. So I ordered again and got the buttonish things.. :( I didn't like the pearls well enough to use them in a short necklace or for anything else for that matter, they definitely needed...
  5. P

    A little help in assembling a necklace

    where did you find the bars or did you make those?
  6. P

    Pearl knotting with no tools

    I made this pearl rope this weekend. 5 strands of baoque buttonish whites. I didn't receive what I ordered, they should have been a high quality keshi, but they still made a nice necklace. I like the layers of the long ropes. These will look great with a white t-shirt. Casual but classy...
  7. P

    Blue baroque akoya pearls

    Yes, to the "average joe" they are quite impressive. So I will be keeping them for sure. They will make a beautiful necklace for night time use. Lol
  8. P

    Blue baroque akoya pearls

    more cell phone pictures, but the color in the top photo is more accurate. The luster looks pretty good despite the thin nacre.
  9. P

    Blue baroque akoya pearls

    These were fairly inexpensive per strand at $59. The nacre isn't that thick so they look good indoors but any pearl expert would probably turn their nose up at them in bright sunlight. These are the majority of three strands so it will end up fairly long. I didn't use some pearls because...
  10. P

    Blue baroque akoya pearls

    I only bought cream and white, didn't think about blue. Hmm...
  11. P

    Blue baroque akoya pearls

    I ordered her beaders secret yesterday. :)
  12. P

    Blue baroque akoya pearls

    I'm not sure where my other thread went... but here is the blue baroque strand I'm working on. Are these common? I'd love more in this color and luster. They are more blue and less silver in person. I have to start this over due to a terrible knot that refused to come out.
  13. P

    Amazing Luster - Cortez Pearl

    No, but I DO want to take a trip there someday. I hear a cruise ship goes there?? That would be a fun trip.
  14. P

    Amazing Luster - Cortez Pearl

    I took this picture with my iPhone in a hotel room. Once we get settled, I'll take better pictures. :)
  15. P

    Amazing Luster - Cortez Pearl

    The top three will be a three pearl ring. The bottom large will be a simple pendent. I was wearing an bright green shirt and the bottom pearl is reflecting that. It actually has strong blues and reds.