Recent content by Pearling Technologies

  1. Pearling Technologies

    Mother of Pearl Shell Auctions in Indonesia and the Philippines

    I can supply engraved discs, with words or perhaps images. if the image is too complicated some of the detail may not show up though...
  2. Pearling Technologies

    Mother of Pearl Shell Auctions in Indonesia and the Philippines

    i'd be keen to connect with them jevont?
  3. Pearling Technologies

    Mother of Pearl Shell Auctions in Indonesia and the Philippines

    do you still need shells? message me on
  4. Pearling Technologies

    Question About Pteria Sterna

    Why would you want to do Pteria Sterna in Indonesia? There are already various species there you can use?
  5. Pearling Technologies

    South Sea Mabe pearls

    Hi Douglas, as these were a custom shape there was a lot more to the process rather than standard shapes and sizes. Regular mabe shapes are sold ex Indonesia only for a few dollars per piece, depending on size and quality. Happy to chat with you off line about this one in particular but this was...
  6. Pearling Technologies

    South Sea Mabe pearls

    It’s for an artist that is designing a new installation (I believe). Will ask him if i can share his details. As for cost, not sure i can share but it was reasonable given the work involved!
  7. Pearling Technologies

    South Sea Mabe pearls

    As suppliers of equipment and services to pearl farmers around the world, we sometimes get asked some unusual requests. How’s this one? We had an enquiry to manufacture mabe nuclei in the shape of a human ear and then have them planted into a maxima shell and grown as a mabe pearl. We hand made...
  8. Pearling Technologies

    Sourcing Indonesia pearl farm

    They tell you this because they are concerned you will go to the farms directly and not buy through them, thus losing their commission. As Jeremy mentioned, you'll need to buy whole harvests to have half a chance. This will include good pearls, bad pearls and everything in between. Many farms in...
  9. Pearling Technologies

    how many pearl farms in Philippines

    I know a couple more, I'd say Jeremy is close with his estimation of 10.
  10. Pearling Technologies

    Hawaiian Pearl Promoter Richard Fassler Passed Away

    I remember him well from Pearls ‘94 also Douglas. He was very passionate about the industry and tirelessly worked to make that conference successful. There’s never been anything like it and I don‘t think there ever will.
  11. Pearling Technologies

    Thailand South Sea Pearl Farming

    There are a few farms still operating. Some had difficulties during covid and getting technicians to site, some were not bothered to any great extent for production but hard to get goods to market. It's improving now but slowly slowly. Last I was there was in 2019.
  12. Pearling Technologies

    New Uses of Pearls and Mother-of-Pearl in Medicine

    Thanks Douglas CortezPearls I continue to be amazed with the pearling industry and what it offers us all, in so many market sectors. Not just beautiful gems!
  13. Pearling Technologies

    Crowd Funded South Sea Pearl Farm

    Hi lilliefuzzysocks, those opportunities of investment are not for crowdfunding. They are 2 customers seeking investors/partners to grow their farms. The crowdfunding idea is just that at this stage, an idea based on the success of other crowd funding ventures. I was just thinking out aloud to...