Recent content by Pandorasbox

  1. Pandorasbox

    Southsea Pearl vs Edison Pearls

    Irradiation I think it means?
  2. Pandorasbox

    Wish list

    Those mabes are to die for! I especially liked the blue & the rainbow on the bottom right. One day I will own my own collection of the finest that Douglas can provide but first I have to make enough money ;)
  3. Pandorasbox

    Paying for jewellery setting using paypal

    I'm sorry, I tend to disagree. PayPal using goods covers not just the buyer but the seller too. I have been using PayPal for over 10 years & it has saved me being ripped off on both sides of the coin. Bank transfer & all merchant cards are vulnerable to online fraud but PayPal is the only one...
  4. Pandorasbox

    Are Pearl Party Oysters Dangerous? A UK investigation.

    I really cannot understand the attraction of opening an oyster that has been dead numerous days, to put your fingers all around it's insides just to find a small, bad quality pearl! I can understand the element of surprise BUT it would be cheaper & less harmful to have the host put them into...
  5. Pandorasbox

    see a Natural Freshwater “Fish” PEARL in Gems & Gemology fall 2017

    & diamond eyes too! Would be more appealing to collectors :)
  6. Pandorasbox

    2017 PP Tahitian Sale

    My lucky purchase. My lucky purchase. I was lucky to purchase some loose T's & these were in the batch. Very close on color & size, what to put them on to is another thing. I decided to take them off the peridot studs, the color from the stone was distracting from the pearl. Although they...
  7. Pandorasbox

    Southsea Pearl vs Edison Pearls

    Very interesting. I will be at Olympia next weekend, I have a few Edison's myself so it will be helpful to know where you are going with this.
  8. Pandorasbox

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    The new arrival, something simple yet stunning in its own right. I am in love :)
  9. Pandorasbox

    365 Days of Pearls

    There are some real stunning pearls in this thread! I am a newbie, I have only just discovered my passion for pearls & am going to be slowly building my collection :) I have my 1st as my profile, I will be changing that soon with my new purchase but I suppose we all have to start somewhere!