Recent content by mrsadm

  1. mrsadm

    Power of Pearl, The Movie

    Sounds great, can’t wait to get a copy! Linda
  2. mrsadm

    Would appreciate your advice - situation with ebay seller

    I don’t dislike the return rules. I don’t care about that. I am not complaining about that. It’s the unstated policy of banning someone when someone merely requests a refund after the close date. This is the dishonest part. More on this tomorrow.
  3. mrsadm

    Would appreciate your advice - situation with ebay seller

    Thanks Katbran, I will sell it online somewhere. Whether you sell on eBay or somewhere else, you of course have to be profitable. But it’s false advertising to offer a 30day return, when you only permit a buyer to use that process maybe 2-3 times, over the course of 2-3 years, then ban them...
  4. mrsadm

    Would appreciate your advice - situation with ebay seller

    I do understand the cost and trouble of returns, and if all that happened was my return was rejected, I would be fine with that. But banning me? She doesn’t care if she ticks off a loyal customer to avoid a neutral or negative feedback. P.S. I also really do understand the seller’s view - my...
  5. mrsadm

    Would appreciate your advice - situation with ebay seller

    I know sellers don't like returns - I know it's extra trouble, but I think it's a basic part of a selling business. When I buy something from Macy's or another retailer I can make returns without getting banned from the store or web site. Sounds very draconian to me. I don't think I'm a...
  6. mrsadm

    Would appreciate your advice - situation with ebay seller

    Hi everyone, I'm trying not to leave negative feedback for an ebay seller I've bought pearls from for several years and I've been generally happy with them. I've spent nearly $7000 on her items (loose pearls and jewelry) and left a lot of great feedback, but now my id is banned from contacting...
  7. mrsadm

    Do you guys love baroque pearls or round pearls?

    I like both but I love round pearls with incredible luster that makes them look like they have light emanating from within. I wish there were better grading for baroque pearls, like near-round, then not-very-baroque, then really baroque-funny-shaped, and finally too-wierd-looking-to-be-pretty. :-)
  8. mrsadm

    south sea siopao

    OMG are those British pounds? No way are they worth anything near that price. With that much money you can find some really beautiful pearls. I agree with other posters here - browse around and learn more before spending anything.
  9. mrsadm

    Opinion and input wanted

    Pattye, a dumb question for you ... how do you know the ringed strand has a bead nucleus? Thank you! Linda Sorry I see Pattye has already answered my question...
  10. mrsadm

    I need your advice please!

    They are beautiful in their new settings! Congratulations!
  11. mrsadm

    Pearl Diary

    OMG, really serious jealousy here!!!!!
  12. mrsadm

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    Those are both gorgeous, Bailey!
  13. mrsadm

    Share your Pearl Paradise Private Launch Purchases!

    I see there is another sale next week on June 5, so we'll have another chance at some pretty spectacular pearls.
  14. mrsadm

    SSP offered by Costco

    I have a pair of Akoya earrings inherited from my mother, which had the old fashioned screw-back setting. I wouldn't think of trying to change that myself - but my local jeweler did a great job of replacing them with backs for pierced ears.
  15. mrsadm

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    OMG I think I'm going to faint any minute now. The south sea strand from Cees is incredible. I admit I have not seen a lot of SS pearls but I do have a pair of SS studs that don't have anywhere near the reflectivity that your strand has. It is really beautiful! Enjoy wearing it!