
For some women it may be shoes, for others it might be bags, but for me...well, my vice is jewelry. I have always loved jewelry, especially colored gemstones. However, I was never particularly drawn to pearls. Oh, they were nice, but they didn't capture my interest like the more flamboyant gems colored red, blue and green. Pearls just weren't that exciting. Until now. As I am sure Pearl Guider's know, the traditional gem for one's third year of marriage is the pearl. Not having much knowledge about pearls, I began my quest to become an educated consumer. I read about pearls, I visited local jewelers to look at their wares, and I combed the internet for "pearls of wisdom and knowledge." I discovered the Pearl Guide, where I lurked and learned. During that time, a funny thing happened. I began to see the allure of pearls. The colors, the luster, the textures, and the various shapes began to intrigue me. I wanted to own some pearls, and not because it was the appropriate gem for my anniversary. Oh, no. I wanted to own pearls for their luminous beauty. " Ah yes," you may say with smile, "she fell in love. " Yes, fellow pearl admires, I did.

jewelry, cooking/baking, reading and sewing