Recent content by mariepearl

  1. M

    Tips requested on starting a (very small) online business

    Given that I also live in an area that is woefully under-served by the quality of pearls sold in bricks-and-mortar shops and jewellers, I purchase everything online and from my experience: 1) Photos of jewellery are almost impossible to judge, but a good quality video camera (not just a phone)...
  2. M

    Question about overtones

    I tried again, but perhaps the attachments are too large? Here's an album of the closeups that I hope works, plus a neck photo. The colors are easier to see on the tiny pearls near the clasp, whereas the it's far more hard to see with the...
  3. M

    Question about overtones

    Hi Pattye, I'd be curious to see unbleached akoyas. Mine aren't as lovely white as the modern hanadamas I've seen online, but they're pale enough that I imagine they've been treated too. The ones I've photographed are the 3-4mm ones near the clasp, not baroque but roundish. I posted photos of my...
  4. M

    Question about overtones

    Orient - that's it, thank you! I had read about orient on the forum about that but didn't think it was an akoya thing. That's good to know because there was a part of me worried that maybe the outer whiter nacre layers were thinning, having read an article by a Japanese pearl distributor that...
  5. M

    Question about overtones

    Hello all! I hope everyone's enjoying their Christmas/holiday break if you had one :) My little vintage akoyas (1930s-1940s) have unmatched overtones of green and red on a cream body, but there are a few that seem to reflect an extra color under natural light. It's subtle yet nevertheless...
  6. M

    what kind of pearls result in teardrop shape?

    Thanks for the tip about the Pearls as One course. I'll take a look at it. The kasumi pearls are beautiful too, very soft and warm toned.
  7. M

    what kind of pearls result in teardrop shape?

    Thanks Pattye for posting the definitions! This is really helpful to google things better with the official terminology. Are the Cortez pearls considered metallic in their luster? Most stores in my area offer comparatively flat-looking pearls, pretty in their own way I suppose but also sort of...
  8. M

    what kind of pearls result in teardrop shape?

    Hi everyone, back again. Since getting a pearl necklace, I've been looking at pearl earrings. It's a bit like that picture book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, he'll ask for a glass of milk, and then once he gets that, he asks for a straw, and so on! I really love the teardrop shaped pearl for...
  9. M

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    That ombré is so unique - love it!