Recent content by Lucky

  1. L

    Found a natural pearl in a can of smoked oysters!!!

    I am not too worried about value, it'll make for a great lucky charm!
  2. L

    Found a natural pearl in a can of smoked oysters!!!

    Yeah, I just thought I would post on here as I have never heard of anyone finding a peal in a CAN of smoked oysters before either. I don't know what nacre is, but am not too worried about the value as I am considering it a good luck charm:) Thank you:)
  3. L

    Found a natural pearl in a can of smoked oysters!!!

    Hello all, I just opened a can of oysters, i saw a little round thing hanging on one oyster. Pulled the little round thing off, shined it up and see that it is a pearl. Is this rare to find? Is this worth anything? It seems fairly round, hard and shiny. I added the picture, if anyone has any...