Recent content by LorenLL

  1. LorenLL

    I inherited pearls, and while there is so much great information, it's hard to make a call regarding these pearls!

    I guess they are imitations. The drill holes looks somewhat larger than that of typical genuine pearls and the area surrounding the drill holes of each pearls are every-so-slightly flattened, but then it could be the camera angle and/or reflections, and I'm still very new in collecting pearls.
  2. LorenLL

    A visit to JMA International Jewelry Show 2024 in HK as a public visitor

    My pleasure:giggle: I guess people would be more interested in relatively obscure shows like JMA show compared to big shows like the September show, and it is an refreshing experience to glimpse at the business side of the hobby as a layman, so I decided to write this post. Speaking of the...
  3. LorenLL

    A visit to JMA International Jewelry Show 2024 in HK as a public visitor

    Thanks 😊 The show was a fun visit and I am happy with the purchases since I got most of the pearls on my wishlist and a few pleasant surprises.
  4. LorenLL

    A visit to JMA International Jewelry Show 2024 in HK as a public visitor

    Thanks for the appreciation😊 Japanese Mabe in gold colour was on my wishlist since I first heard about it. Luckily, a lot of Japanese pearl companies attended the show, and there were a few companies selling such pearls. I also tried to find Cortez Mabes and Paua Mabes during the visit...
  5. LorenLL

    A visit to JMA International Jewelry Show 2024 in HK as a public visitor

    Photo time! I blew up my pearl budget for this show in just two days, that's why I didn't visit again:nervous: Other than the pearls in the photo I also bought other jewellery, but they're not as interesting or just generic pieces like plain necklace chains for pendants. First of all, the...
  6. LorenLL

    A visit to JMA International Jewelry Show 2024 in HK as a public visitor

    I've just returned from JMA International Jewelry Show hosted in Hong Kong last weekend. In case you are wondering, JMA International Jewelry Show is a jewellery show organised by Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers’ Association; unlike the September jewellery fair organised by Hong Kong Trade...
  7. LorenLL

    My Maba-gai mabe pearl pendant. A pleasant, albeit rather over-priced, piece that I am happy to own.

    Hi @CortezPearls I don't know the exact name of this shape, maybe skewed marquise? Japanese are more creative in mabe shapes, probably because they are selling them as specialty jewellery. I've seen skewed marquises, kites, hearts with a hooked end, and even mabes in the shape of magatama, a...
  8. LorenLL

    My Maba-gai mabe pearl pendant. A pleasant, albeit rather over-priced, piece that I am happy to own.

    Hi everyone! I have been spending some time peeking around and asking a few questions, thanks for your super helpful and polite responses. As a thank-you, here are the photos of my pearls that I find interesting and/or unusual. This is a 18K gold blue mabe pearl pendant of Mabe-gai (Pteria...
  9. LorenLL

    Reputable retail sellers for loose GSS/WSS keshi pearls?

    Thankyou! I just checked ROLAY's and Cees' profiles, their pearls are certainly gorgeous.
  10. LorenLL

    Reputable retail sellers for loose GSS/WSS keshi pearls?

    Thanks for your suggestion, but for some reason the Instagram search result didn't come up with any account related to pearl. Could you please provide the Instagram account name?
  11. LorenLL

    Reputable retail sellers for loose GSS/WSS keshi pearls?

    Thankyou for your advice, I thought it would be difficult enough to find sellers that sell only a few loose keshis to retail customers, so I didn't add more specifications in my original post. I am looking for small to mid-size (4mm - 12mm) GSS and WSS keshi semi-rounds and droplets; ideally...
  12. LorenLL

    Reputable retail sellers for loose GSS/WSS keshi pearls?

    Oh no, I forgot to mention where I live! I live in Hong Kong. While HK has a lot of shops selling pearl jewellery, mainly big brand name chain stores, there are far fewer shops that sell loose pearls to retail customers, let alone special types of pearls like keshi.
  13. LorenLL

    Reputable retail sellers for loose GSS/WSS keshi pearls?

    Hi everyone, I plan on commissioning a custom pearl jewellery that would use golden South Sea and white South Sea keshi pearls, but the jeweller doesn't have any, so I have to bring my own pearls. Could you please suggest some reputable pearl sellers that also sell loose, undrilled GSS and/or...
  14. LorenLL

    Need advices on an undecided Mabe pearl purchase

    I wholeheartedly agree. In my case it is buying for collection's sake - I've lost count of how many times my brain tells me I should buy something because it is a typical/exceptional/rare/unusual/etc. specimen, or just to complete a collection, which in many cases prove to be a mistake...
  15. LorenLL

    Need advices on an undecided Mabe pearl purchase

    Thankyou, this is a great advice! I buy jewellery, gemstones etc. mostly because they are pretty, but sometimes forget that aspect and instead buying for the sake of collection, even if the item doesn't spark my interest. Now I end up with a drawer full of stuff that I rarely look at, and really...