nylon power by griffin
nylon power by griffin
One option for small holes is nylon power by griffin. It is very strong. Their #2 carded one has a very thin needle. I use the Japanese method, and #2 nylon power on small hole pearls. Nylon power is recommended for gemstones.. Search nylon...
This shows my favorite technique using an Awl. Great for beginners. I would suggest Pearl Dreams thread (above sticky) for a huge amount of right on information about pearl stringing.
Plated metals have thin coatings usually gold or silver over brass, but sometimes over copper or other metals. Due to thin coating ,It is not good for wear areas like necklace chain or clasp. Gold plate, or silver plated is required to be at least .5 microns thick (a very small measuring...
My suggestion on knotting would be 80# test Power Pro. A lot of gemstone beads, and also swarovskie pearls have .8mm to 1.0 mm holes. Reaming is not an option. Put a needle down about 12 inches, pull doubled line through with needle . Then knot the single line. On really large holes (1mm)...
A technique for planning your tin cup is to make a unit using craft wire or inexpensive wire in the gauge you will be using ( I like 22 gauge for tin cups). Do your wire wrap on each side of a bead. Measure the results in millimeters. Multiply planned necklace length in inches by 25.4 to...
It is not well known, but the one worn in the 1996 movie by Renee Russo' used skin colored knotted silk. This might work. I would recommend beaders secret. Knots would be small. Patty has lots of color choices.
. I have just added this type to my Etsy Site.
I used 80# power pro , and...
The crimp beads are standard beads for the regular method, and a magic crimper. Videos are about having two strands through. One strand through for the magic crimper with a 2 x 2 crimp bead is the reason to use the 50# line. I don't know of solid 14 k crimps. They come in sterling & gold...
I specialize in tin cups, but I have only made one of these per a customer request. I used 50# test monofiliament. I crimped 2 x 2 crimp beads and used a "magic Crimper". The 50# gave the diameter I needed to do the magic crimp on a single line. Magic crimper makes a round bead. Search for...
I do a lot of tin cup's for my Etsy site. After you are a wire wrapper. I recommend 1.8 to 2.0 mm rolo chain with 22 gauge wire. 22 gauge will fit most pearls which likely will have .8mm holes. Rolo is strong and has a good look. I use gold filled wire and stering silver,
Her'e one of...
I like to make Tin cups with equal spacing on gold filled 1.8mm round rolo, Finding the mm needed for space on beading board. Quick size note a standard wood pencil is 6.5 mm diameter.
Here's a picture.
Note: Edit: When you use the tappered bit just drill outside hole to diameter you want, likely about 1mm then switch to pearl drill. A standard twist (HSS) drill bit will work if you don't have a pearl bit!! Happy drilling. -- Lloyd
Note: Edit: When you use the tappered bit just drill outside hole to diameter you want, likely about 1mm then switch to pearl drill. A standard twist (HSS) drill bit will work if you don't have a pearl bit!! Happy drilling. -- Lloyd