Recent content by Karman

  1. Karman

    Mermaid Rope

    I've reworked the vintage faux pearls and used raggdoll's idea to make one with alternating size. I did have to use bead caps on the ends and pick out a clasp but very happy with the results and hope my MIL loves it too. This is about 34" and can be worn doubled, I still have leftover smaller...
  2. Karman

    Mermaid Rope

    Most of the pieces that are widely available to purchase use imitation pearls. I would say that's the norm rather than the exception. I have seen very few pieces with genuine pearls, but it could be because the Chanel boutique in my city isn't large enough to receive the nicer fine jewelry...
  3. Karman

    Pearl vs. Clasp size

    BW and Kay - thanks for your input! That clasp is beautiful!! I will definitely keep that in mind if I can't find another without diamonds (so the price tag isn't so $$!)
  4. Karman

    Pearl vs. Clasp size

    I have some pearls that I'm having trouble finding the clasp I want... The end pearls are about 10 mm, clasp height is just under 9 mm. I don't have the clasp on hand to compare to the pearls so not sure if it would look odd. When you make your necklaces, do you usually pick clasps that are...
  5. Karman

    Some recent Wen purchases

    Pretty pearls and fun necklaces! I really do love Wen as a pearl vendor. I don't expect to by top quality pearls from her (she does have some really, really nice pearls for very decent prices though), but she has some wonderful craft-quality pearls, good for personal pieces. It certainly beats...
  6. Karman

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    Sanippy--I always enjoy seeing your silver wear them so well! Kalmen, that is a beautiful South Sea &Tahitian (?) strand!
  7. Karman

    Mermaid Rope

    Thank you everyone for your kind words!
  8. Karman

    Mermaid Rope

    Here are a couple of pieces I have ragdoll! I have another necklace that is currently on consignment and have no photos on hand. This is an opera length necklace, the pearls are pretty but the surface does get thin scratches and chips off. I've had this for over 6 years though and wore it...
  9. Karman

    Mermaid Rope

    Thank you Jersey! raggdoll - I'll take a photo of the one I have on hand when I get home!
  10. Karman

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    OK, I'm way behind on this thread but now I'm caught up--love all the pearls I've missed! I ordered a mini-strand of 5 "Robert Wan" Tahitians from druzydesign on eBay, and wow these are gorgeous. Some surface imperfections and the middle pearl has a growth ring just 1/4 way around, but they are...
  11. Karman

    Mermaid Rope

    Thank you ladies for your kind words about my Mermaid Rope :D Kat - thanks! I had no idea, I think you might be right though after googling photos! SunSeeker - thank you for the cleaning tip! The holes do look quite dirty, so deep cleaning is probably needed! What should I use to wash faux...
  12. Karman

    Need tips on Cleaning Tahitian pearls after removal from oyster

    I have avoided buying anything from AlohaPearls because they started selling low-quality Tahitians shoved into shells, and preserved in chemicals and vacuum packaging. Another Etsy vendor that I've made a beautiful purchase from in the past also started selling these pearl-in-oysters. Needless...
  13. Karman

    14mm South Sea Pearl studs - where to buy in Australia?

    I have fleshy lobes too with a large surface area, but once the pearl hits the 11mm mark, it tends to droop when it's perfectly round. I can see the appeal of 14mm buttons that will probably sit better on the ear. Definitely a must to have good supportive backings to prevent drooping!
  14. Karman

    Mermaid Rope

    Hi everyone :) Been MIA for awhile... life gets in the way :) I've spent the last few weeks working on this strand (with a vacation in between) and wanted to share here. It's not my original design; it's inspired from a design I saw on Etsy, but cost over $700 Canadian. I could get a pretty...
  15. Karman

    First time pearl knotter

    Great job Pam, it looks great!! I also had tremendous success with Beader's Secret and it'll be my go-to now. I got good at using silk, BUT like you I had thread burn and blisters on my hand from trying to pull the silk really tight! I'm glad I'm not the only one!