Oh, yes. I definitely now see what you mean about "sharper luster". Especially when you have them all next to each other. #3 has the bigger pearls, but they look fuzzier.
Thanks for the speedy reply! I see, yes... I guess I'll have to let him know re:Mikimoto. Maybe it's common to buy pearls called "Mikimoto" that really turn out not to be (maybe that's just the most famous name)?
Anything else you could tell us in terms of origin/type of pearls? Are the clasp...
Hi pearl pros! I inherited 3 strands of pearls, 2 @ 18", 1 @ 16". We want to give a good set to my future sister-in-law for the wedding. Can you tell us which of these three seems to be *highest quality? Also my brother recalls buying a set of Mikimoto's. Are any of these possibly those? I...