Recent content by GigglesOfDefeat

  1. G

    Superficial scratch or discoloration?

    I might become addicted to these little beauties. I love them so much that I can't bring myself to wear them and I'm more than happy just ogling my treasures. I took a chance with Pearlism and caught this 16.7mm purple Edison. I'm so in love that I couldn't wait to share!
  2. G

    Unexpected discovery

    Thanks! I'm glad I could make you smile.
  3. G

    Unexpected discovery

    Thank you so much for the details. I'll be sure to remember them. ❤️
  4. G

    Unexpected discovery

    My husband and I cleaned out the crawlspace above our garage and found a box of stuff belonging to the previous owner (circa pre-1960s) and this stand was one of the things inside. I've tried the friction test and they are grittier than my beads, but also more smooth than my FW pearls. I'm...
  5. G

    Superficial scratch or discoloration?

    Thanks @Yens and @CortezPearls for the information. I still really love them so I'm relieved to know that it isn't surface damage, but a natural occurrence. I agree that the "birthmarks" have a little charm of their own.
  6. G

    Superficial scratch or discoloration?

    I was told by the vendor this morning that they are growth steaks. I'm confused how I didn't see them when I purchased them. Does anyone have any suggestions on settings that could disguise these blemishes a little?
  7. G

    Superficial scratch or discoloration?

    I recently purchased some Edison pearls after seeing live images of them to confirm any possible defects. At that time, they were unmarred, but when I received them I noticed what looks to be superficial scratches. This is most notable on my 16mm Edison. I say "superficial" because I can't...