Recent content by callire

  1. callire

    Best place for inexpensive pearls?

    I missed the exotics (wasn't on the mailing list) :( but I suppose it's for the best because I shouldn't be spending much money :p Anyway, I'm looking to give a inexpensive gift to one of my friends since she's nervous about starting college in few days. We have a running joke that pink pearls...
  2. callire

    NSFW! Uh... Okay, I never thought of pearls like that before...

    NSFW Well, I decided I just *had* to post this gem of a pendant. :eek: Warning for a phallic pendant! Possibly very, very inappropriate... I can't stop laughing. I'm sorry. I'm truly, truly a horrible person. *hangs head in shame*
  3. callire

    Erm... (Runs and Hides) I did try to restrain myself

    Got them today! They're perfect. Pics to come soon!
  4. callire

    Erm... (Runs and Hides) I did try to restrain myself

    For the record, I've bought 4 strands in the past couple months, only 2 of which I'll keep/have kept. :) I return almost everything though, because I'm a perfectionist. On second thought, I only actually own 3 strands (blue akoya, pink freshadama, and white freshadama). Hmm.. so I suppose I buy...
  5. callire

    Erm... (Runs and Hides) I did try to restrain myself

    (I think I failed again) Yup. I have a problem. It's so pretty though. {BTW- don't know if this is the right section, but can any of the lovely beaders string these for me? I'll pay shipping + labor costs...
  6. callire

    Erm... (Runs and Hides) I did try to restrain myself

    Can we all help MsT for a sec please? She's in dire need of some help and I don't feel comfortable ID'ing.
  7. callire

    PP new site design

    Can we all help MsT for a sec please? She's in dire need of some help and I don't feel comfortable ID'ing.
  8. callire

    Erm... (Runs and Hides) I did try to restrain myself

    ^ Pretty! The curse of traveling! I was at Starbucks at the time (darn friends and their darn offers for coffee), so I'm glad I made it back before everything sold out. Yes..... for my Mom... sure..... *cough* of course!
  9. callire

    PP new site design

    Hanaleimom: I wish! No, I think since it's a multi, I'll buy whatever strikes my fancy and then rationalize that no matter what I buy, it will have to match. pearlysmile: Good idea! You could even buy a slightly larger one for a graduated look. Maryd: I may or may not have started a thread...
  10. callire

    Erm... (Runs and Hides) I did try to restrain myself

    ^ Pretty! I think the only real difference is that mine looks a little more graduated? Thanks! Yeah.... You can't do that. Ever. I give myself 5 minutes to decide and purchase with sales like these. You have to be impulsive, I guess, otherwise they're gone!
  11. callire

    PP new site design

    For #1, yeah, I'm not a huge fan of that, besides does it really matter how neutral it looks? It's a multicolor strand, so it shouldn't really matter, right? Although, you could always get a single colored round strand for that much too.
  12. callire

    Erm... (Runs and Hides) I did try to restrain myself

    Oh, that was you! I was wondering who snapped up the second strand. See, you can't be too mad at me now, can you? We can post pictures and compare notes!
  13. callire

    PP new site design

    I like #3 because it has an aqua pearl in the center, but they're both beautiful. edit: and the other $450 round is gone!
  14. callire

    PP new site design

    Hehehhe... I snagged mine already! I am so, so happy about it though because I honestly never thought I could ever get a round strand, because they're normally way out of my price range, but I got a multicolor one (which I like better than the other rounds) that I think is perfect! Now I can't...
  15. callire

    Erm... (Runs and Hides) I did try to restrain myself

    Me? No! Never! I got to the party an hour late, thank you very much! A whole hour... *wonders about what necklaces sold out before me*