Recent content by BrendaKY

  1. B

    Hi everyone. Please help identify this necklace. It has a Mikimoto box, pouch and booklet looks...

    Hi everyone. Please help identify this necklace. It has a Mikimoto box, pouch and booklet looks old. chain is 15 in. Clasp marked with M SIL and Sterling. Bail has an M and S. I cannot find another one like it anywhere so have no idea if it is real or what it may possibly be worth. Pearl is...
  2. B

    Wondering what kind of pearls these are?

    Bought these at an auction. They have 14 K RTI marked on both gold clasps. They look close to round but not completely. Very high luster. They are gritty on a tooth test. First and end 2-3 pearls are hand knotted middle is not. Necklace is 18 inches, bracelet approximately 7 inches...
  3. B

    So proud of this set. I’m new to pearl stringing

    Thank you Pattye. I have now started reaming my last 3 pearls and testing before I start a necklace. I also have found some needles that actually work like a round saw blade. I move it back and forth inside the pearl hole and it slowly scrapes away the inside and makes the hole bigger. It works...
  4. B

    Need some help with this unusual clasp?

    Yes natural in color. I am learning so much from all of you. I cannot thank you enough.
  5. B

    Need some help with this unusual clasp?

    Yes the cones are pretty ugly for sure. Thank you for the explanation. Was I correct with the identification of the pearls?
  6. B

    Need some help with this unusual clasp?

    I got these for just a few dollars at an estate on line auction. The bells were very intriguing. I am pretty sure these are real pearls. Gritty on teeth and I think natural freshwater Chinese pearls. The hues are pink and golden. Very beautiful and about 50 inches in total. Haven’t measured them...
  7. B

    Hi! I got these pearls, 11mm. Are they real south sea? Thanks.

    Thank you Pearl Dreams for your time and expertise.
  8. B

    So proud of this set. I’m new to pearl stringing

    I never thought of that. That’s a great idea. Thanks
  9. B

    Are these real pearls or imitation?

    Awesome! So happy for you! Seeing comments about your great find!
  10. B

    Hi! I got these pearls, 11mm. Are they real south sea? Thanks.

    #1 necklace Said is a golden south sea pearl and a Tahitian black pearl. # 2 earrings sold as Tahitian pearls. # 3 necklace and earrings set have had for over 15 years believe is Tahitian pearls. # 4 earrings were told these are golden south sea pearl earrings. What are your thoughts? Can you...
  11. B

    Hi! I got these pearls, 11mm. Are they real south sea? Thanks.

    Thank you I was wondering. I have a couple sets I am wondering about too. Would like an honest opinion about them. I will take pics and post for all to look at.
  12. B

    So proud of this set. I’m new to pearl stringing

    I may give that a try. I’m worried about one strand of thread holding the French wire and clasp. Do you have trouble with it breaking? I have started reaming out the holes a little bit or finding 3 with bigger holes. That has definitely helped along with using Pattye’s extra fine needles. Also...
  13. B

    Hi! I got these pearls, 11mm. Are they real south sea? Thanks.

    Did you get an answer? I am curious to know?
  14. B

    Are these south sea pearls? thank you

    Thank you very much for the information and also the explanation of value. I was hoodwinked asking price was $600.00. I haggled down to $250.00. I purchased several other items. Scarfs, jewelry boxes, hair and scarf clips and misc items. Got a really great deal on those so all in all I still...
  15. B

    So proud of this set. I’m new to pearl stringing

    Pearl Dreams thank you so much for the encouragement. This website and group of people have been such a blessing in so many ways. I can’t say thank you enough. Pattye is very nice and has been so supportive and helpful. I look forward to learning more and more from all of you. Sincerely, Brenda