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  • Dear Heidi,
    As long as you love the visuals of wood, you're a sister! I love the light and natural finishes, simply because I love light. In fact, I think that's why I even started stripping furniture, dulled glazes.
    I've never seen the wood you cited in person. I can't remember past the last second, darnit, so can't remember the name of the wood you mentioned right now, since I'm not looking at it right this minute.

    Do you have a computerized camera? Do you have pics of your favorite design/architectural job? It's hard to photograph large wood satisfactorily, just like pearls. It might be even harder to capture the luminous quality of wood. So, as a pro, you'd call it a portfolio, right? Do you have one?

    C U, as you youngsters say! (Creak!Cackle!Shuffle! {just having fun,chuckles})
    Lisa C

    Anyway, I appreciate some of the darker finishes on Mahogany and Cherry, but for me clear-to-light on Maple is Queen. In the right light it shimmers like pearls.
    Oh! I do have one pic for sure. I stripped a set(5) of Duncan Phyffe kitchen chairs, ca 18** (I have to look that up) maple, and recaned the seats. I only took a pic of one. I guess for ins purposes I should photograph all of them...

    Lord, if I get started looking through my photo box I'll be lost for days. It needs doing though, if I want to get out and introduce myself to people, right?

    Happy Birthday Belated, and hooray for your new pearls! Enjoy!

    Bye again,
    Lisa C
    Oh, yes! I love woodworking, and wood and wood grain, and stripping - but I have a sort of phobia about finishing! I'm not quite happy with my results with varnishes, I don't know how to French Polish (yet) and definitely don't like or can't manage the polyurethanes. I'm Finishing-Challenged!

    Sooo...I have many fine old pieces unfinished. Kind of embarrassing. The happiest piece that I DID finish was the family cradle. Bought in 1907, curly maple - I stripped off 8(!) layers of milk-paint and found a beautiful pressed wood design on the headboard. We used it for both our children.

    I wonder if I even have pictures...once I had children I got really busy, then got sick. There are so many things I love to do, and want to catch up on,so many things to get enthusiastic about - wish I could support myself just learning things! Do you have an album of your wood projects? Do you have a favorite wood? Light or dark finish? I'm going to take a peek.

    My youngest brother is a cabinet maker-jobs carpenter, and he finishes well, I hear. He's in another state, though. I need to find a partner here, I guess, or get over the phobia.

    Thanks for your message; I love knowing that you're interested in wood! Once my x-husband stopped me in mid-rave about a woodgrain and sheen, and said "Lisa. Stop. I don't care about wood. Or grain. Or sheen. And I never will."

    What a Phillistine!

    Well, I'll work on getting some albums filled. I only have an old-fashioned Nikkormat, but I understand I can get film developed on negs and disks at Sam's club, then scan and post. So much to learn. I wish I didn't have to sleep.
    Hi Heidi,

    Thank you very much for your comment on my rounds and keshis. My first 60" without a clasp, makes me very proud....
    and all that I owe to our precious forum.
    Cleveland is very intelligent and sensitive to his environment. He knew Mom was getting ready to leave town a week before she left and he was moping around the house, while the other two were clueless. And when you brush him or rub his tummy, he makes happy grunting sounds! What's not to like? ;)
    aren't you doing an exam today, Heidi? Hope it goes well for you.... all the best.
    Thanks for sharing your photograph -- you look like you're up to something.....say thinking about making a pearl purchase!!! ;)
    Happy Birthday Heidi I remember a September 13th myself long time ago I graduated from the School of Infantry at Fort Jackson S.C. and then I was sent overseas to an unpopular war in those days.
    Would you post a pict. of your kasumi in " show us your pearls" ?
    I'll love it
    Wonderful, thanks for posting !!
    Gosh, Thanks a bunch! Wish I had your photography skills! If you have any suggestions for me and my little Pentax, please advise! I must admit I am improving my resizing and download speed! HA HA
    Thank you Heidi for the invitation. WOW - you have so many talents!!! I can't knit to save my life. :)
    Hi Heidi! Not too sure about all this new techie stuff!! Thanks for being my friend! Hope you are having a great weekend! Pattye
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