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  • Hello StarryPearl :)

    Are you still experiencing the "editing" issue?
    If so...PLEASE:
    1) Send me a screenshot of the problem
    2) Tell me what web-browser you are using and
    3) Operating system or phone system

    We have already fixed several issues and now moving to fix the last ones.

    Thank you!
    Hi Douglas,
    Yes, I do.
    I just posted the screenshot in that thread.
    I'm using Google Chrome.
    It's Windows 10 (Professional I believe).

    Thank you so much for you and the team's hard work! And thank you so much for your super informative reply to my questions. It is so fun to read and learn your experiences. It's my birthday today and I am taking the course 68% and can't believe I am messaging with THE Douglas in the course. :P

    Take care.
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